Power Transformers
400kV Testing Transfomer (Right)
Step-down transformers in substations and step-up transformers in power stations are essential components in those facilities. These transformers cover the electric power for many of electricity consumers, so highly reliable transformers are required.
Fuji Tusco will make transformers to provide the highest efficiency within the limits where economy is not lost. Because of well arranged core construction, no-load loss is reduced.
In relation, to the load loss occupying the majority of total loss, as a result of employing a transposed conductor, achieving non-magnetization of metal adjacent to the winding, and providing a magnetic shielding of tank inner wall, stray-load loss has been reduced significantly whereby transformers with high efficiency and little loss have been created.
Standard Features for Conservator Type
High and Low voltage bushings
Off-circuit tap changer
Lifting lugs
Earthing terminals
Buchholz relay
Dehydrating breather
Pressure relief device
Dial type thermometer
Oil level gauge / Oil level indicator
Filling lug
Skid base
Drain valve
Rating plate
Options and accessories
On load tap changer
Plug-in bushings on HV
Galvanized tank
Rubber bag
Dual voltage
Winding temperature Indicator
Cooling fans and pumps
Cable boxes