About Fuji Electric

Message from Chairman of the Board and CEO, Michihiro Kitazawa

Chairman of the Board CEO, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Michihiro Kitazawa

Contributing to the Creation of a Sustainable Society through Our Energy and Environment Businesses

On behalf of Fuji Electric, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our stakeholders for their continued support and understanding.

Fuji Electric's corporate philosophy is to contribute to prosperity, encourage creativity and seek harmony with the environment. We believe that it is our raison d’etre to contribute to solutions for social and environmental issues through our energy and environment businesses. This effort is in line with the goals of global society to achieve the SDGs and a decarbonized society.

We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2023. In the 2023 fiscal year, we achieved net sales of over 1 trillion yen and an operating profit of over 100 billion yen. Our market capitalization also exceeded 1 trillion yen. We would like to express our deepest appreciation for the support and good wishes of all those involved.

The 2024 fiscal year marks the start of a new century for us.
Based on the belief that it is the development of employees that leads to the prosperity of the company, Fuji Electric embeds the principle of “employees first” at the heart of its management strategy, and we value the combined strength exhibited by teams of diverse individuals. Our corporate slogan states that we are "enthusiastic, ambitious, and sensitive," which are qualities embedded in our DNA, and we intend to act accordingly. In doing so, we will continue to be a company that earns the trust of customers, business partners and other stakeholders around us.

Michihiro Kitazawa
Chairman of the Board and CEO

Message from President and COO, Shiro Kondo

President and COO, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Shiro Kondo

Adapting to the Changing Times, Aiming to Continuously Improve Our Corporate Value and Contribution to Society

I would like to express my appreciation for your continued support.

Building on our core technologies of power semiconductors and power electronics, our fortes, we engage in four businesses: Energy, Industry, Semiconductors, and Food and Beverage Distribution, which enable the mainstreaming of clean energy and the stabilization of energy supplies, as well as energy saving, automation and electrification.

Fuji Electric is committed to contributing to a sustainable society through its energy and environment businesses.
In light of new social trends such as the green transformation (GX) and digital transformation (DX), we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by creating new products and businesses, such as those related to fuel conversion and heat electrification. We will also strengthen our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during production and realize a circular economy.
At the same time, we will promote initiatives to enhance the well-being of employees, who support the sustainable growth of the company, such as by empowering our diverse human resources and enhancing job satisfaction.

By adapting to changing times, we aim to continuously improve our corporate value and contribute to society.

Shiro Kondo
President and COO