Activity Archives

Introducing examples of activities in which Fuji Electric employees contribute to the environment and society through business activities and community activities

Activity Archives

Donated School Supplies to Local Children
Donated School Supplies to Local Children

As part of its educational support activities, Fuji Electric Sales Philippines Inc. donated school supplies to underprivilegedchildren in the Payatas area of Quezon City. The donation event took place on May 27, 2024, and we provided the children with essential school supplies, including notebooks, pens, and other stationery as well as bags and shoes. Children are our future, and we will continue to provide support, no matter how small, so that they can enjoy learning without worrying about money.
'Seeing the smiles on the children's faces reminded me of the importance of contributing to the community.'

Cleanup Activity on Bangchuidao Island
Cleanup Activity on Bangchuidao Island

On May 25, 2024, Fuji Electric Motor (Dalian) Co., Ltd. conducted a cleanup activity on Bangchuidao Island, a tourist attraction in Dalian. A total of 320 of our employees joined the event. To reduce CO2 emissions, we used public transportation to travel to Bangchuidao Island. To achieve a sustainable society, we will continue to conduct environmental protection activities as well as to provide products that contribute to a decarbonized society.
'The activity was a great opportunity to further raise the environmental awareness of employees on an individual level.'

Celebrating Hari Raya with Local Children
Celebrating Hari Raya with Local Children

On April 28, 2024, Fuji Electric(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. invited 89 children from a local orphanage to celebrate Hari Raya (the post-Ramadan festival) with them. We made donations to the facility and distributed 'duit raya'(small amounts of cash in envelopes) to the children. It was a joyful party, featuring an amazing musical performance by the children. A variety of traditional dishes were served, and it was a good time for everyone.

Cleanup activity
Cleanup at Shonai Ryokuchi Park

On March 30, 2024, ChubuArea Operation held a cleanup of Shonai Ryokuchi Park in Nagoya City as part of its CSR activities. A total of 79 people participated, including employees of the Area Operation and their families. All the participants worked together to pick up trash, and then enjoyed a quiz, mini games, and a barbecue. The event was fun, and the participants built closer relationships. We intend to continue our community outreach activities in the future.

Science Experiment
Science Classes at Elementary Schools

Fuji Electric IT Solutions Co., Ltd. held science classes at two elementary schools in Hino City, Tokyo from March 12 to 15, 2024. Hino City is actively promoting the development of an ICT environment in its schools. We provide support such as helping to introduce tablets and other devices and developing networks. In the science classes, we collaborated with Fuji Electric’s SDGs Promotion Department to conduct programming experiments without using computers or tablets. The children greatly enjoyed the classes, and we deepened our relationships of trust with the teachers.

At Welfare Facility
Celebrating Chinese New Year at a welfare facility

As part of our Community Outreach Program, 18 employees of Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. visited a nearby welfare facility on February 17, 2024, to celebrate Chinese New Year with the residents. The company donated food to the facility, and the employee representative gave the children a New Year’s gift of money envelopes, called angpau. Everyone enjoyed a meal together, including a noodle dish with seafood called Assam Laksa. It was a pleasant experience.

STEM Carnival KBB 2024
Held STEM Carnival KBB 2024

On January 13, 2024, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. held STEM Carnival KBB 2024 in cooperation with the Kulim District Education Department as part of its activities to support the education of the next generation. About 250 junior high school students and teachers and 30 of our employees participated. The intent of this event was to convey the importance of STEM* to students, and it included various programs such as a competition utilizing STEM technology, lectures, and technical exhibitions.
*Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Supporting the Visually Impaired
Film Screening for the Visually Impaired

On December 15, 2023, Shanghai Electric Fuji Electric Power Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. held a film screening for the visually impaired, with 12 employees working in collaboration with a volunteer association of Xinwu District, Wuxi. The venue was a library in Wuxi City, and about 90 people attended. It was a lively event, with the employees giving sweets as gifts and proactively offering the attendees support on the stairs.

Cleanup activity
Contributing to the Community through a Cleanup Activity

On November 25, 2023, as part of our CSR activities, Fuji Electric(Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. worked with a local organization to clean up our local area in Pingsha Town, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City. The event was attended by 109 people, or all employees except those who were unable to attend because of work.
"We all worked together to pick up garbage, and the activity helped to raise employees’ awareness of environmental protection and to strengthen solidarity."

Celebrating Deepavali with Underprivileged Families

Every year, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. conducts community engagement activities during the Deepavali festival for the Hindu New Year. This year, we worked together with the Kulim State Assembly Service Center to organize an event for less fortunate families in the community on November 18, 2023. The 40 participating households enjoyed Deepavali dishes and received donations of food, including rice, as well as daily essentials and other goods.

Cleanup Activity
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Vietnam-Japan Friendship with a Cleanup Activity

On October 28, 2023, eight Fuji CAC employees participated in a cleanup activity organized by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ho Chi Minh City to commemorate the 50th anniversary of friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan. People from both countries bonded as they worked together picking up trash at Tao Dan Park. This activity helped both to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society and to enhance the brand image of the entire Fuji Electric Group in terms of environmental conservation.

Contributing to the Environment through Highland Tree Planting

As part of its CSR activities, Fuji Electric Philippines,Inc. conducted a tree-planting activity in the highlands on September 30, 2023. There were 43 participants, including our employees and representatives from Local Government Unit, and the Boy Scout of the Philippines. They planted fruit bearing trees like soursop, star apple, hairy lychee, and other fruits at Makiling National Scout Reservation Camp. This activity will contribute to protecting the global environment in a variety of ways, such as helping to mitigate global warming, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the impact of floods.

Tree-Planting Activity for Environmental Conservation
Contributing to the Azumino’s Environment as a Forest Foster Parent

As part of our CSR activities, Fuji Electric Meter Co., Ltd. Has signed a contract for the Forest Foster Parent system with Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, and we are working to conserve approximately 32 hectares of forest there. On September 23, 2023, we held a forest conservation activity for the first time in about four years. It was attended by 17 of our employees and two city hall employees. We cut undergrowth with brushcutters and pruned with saws. When we looked at the light shining into the forest which we had cleared of unnecessary branches and weeds, everyone smiled with a sense of accomplishment.
"Each and every one of us will continue to proactively contribute to society through environmental conservation activities like these!"

Beach cleaning
Beach Cleanup to Protect the Local Environment

As part of our CSR activities, Fuji Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd. held a beach cleanup at Zhuangwei Beach on September 22, 2023. These events had been suspended for the past twoyears due in part to COVID-19. The weather was beautiful on the day of the cleanup, and a total of 47 people including employees and their families participated. They picked up trash for about an hour, and then enjoyed a social gathering at a nearby restaurant. After working up a pleasant sweat, the participants bonded over a delicious meal.
“This activity contributed to the local environment and was a great bonding experience both for the company and for families.”

Renovating a factory quay by reusing concrete debris

At Fuji Electric’s Chiba Factory, which is our main factory for power electronics energy related products, we are promoting recycling activities throughout the entire supply chain. As part of this effort, we are utilizing the concrete blocks left over after demolishing concrete structures owned by our customers in order to renovate the quay on the factory’s premises. The concrete blocks we receive from customers are pulverized, packed into weather-resistant nets, and placed on the factory’s quay, which has a total length of 423 m. This initiative has enabled us to reuse the concrete debris as “wave blocking stones” to protect the factory site embankment by reducing the force of high waves that occur during storms.

* Prior to engaging in this initiative, we obtained consent from the Chiba Prefectural Government and fishery cooperatives.

Factory’s quay
Factory’s quay
Concrete debris
Concrete debris
Received the Road Caretaker Award (Shikoku Road Fureai Council Chairperson’s Commendation)

In the Shikoku area, we clean the roads around our office on the morning of the third Monday of every month. On August 23, 2023, in recognition of our road beautification activities, we received the 2023 Road Caretaker Award (Shikoku Road Fureai Council Chairperson’s Commendation) from the Kagawa Office of River and National Highway, Shikoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We hope to keep the roads in a state where neighboring residents can use them comfortably, and we intend to continue our activities and contribute to society.
"We would like to thank everyone who participated in the activities even in unpleasant temperatures!"

Received the Road Caretaker Award
Received the Road Caretaker Award
Received the Road Caretaker Award
Students on the factory tour
Students on the factory tour
Private Company Training for Teachers

For two days from August 7, 2023, we held training for 26 teachers from elementary and junior high schools in Hino City, Tokyo, at the Human Resources Development Center (Tokyo Factory Area). This training was sponsored by the Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs, and its intent was to give teachers a deeper understanding of the concept of corporate activities and human resource development initiatives. In addition to introducing our business and products and leading a factory tour, we also gave the participants a lesson on programming suitable for elementary school science classes.

Received the Excellence Award from the Miyazaki Labor Bureau Director’s Awards
Participated in Love Earth Clean-up 2023

Received the Excellence Award from the Miyazaki Labor Bureau Director’s Awards

The Miyazaki Labor Bureau Director’s Awards ceremony for health and safety was held on July 3, 2023, and Fuji Electric received the Excellence Award. This award recognizes a model company with particularly good health and safety standards. In the construction work of the Nobeoka Kujiraike
Solar Power Plant, which was completed in June 2023, we received high praise for taking safety measures that would serve as a model for others, such as measures to prevent heavy equipment accidents, and for recording no accidents or hazards in the whole process to project completion.
"We are grateful to all our staff and workers, and we intend to take pride in this award and strive for even safer work."

Beach cleanup activities
Beach cleanup activities

Cleaning Up the Beach as a CSR Activity

On June 14, Fuji Electric Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. conducted a beach clean-up activity as part of its CSR activities in partnership with the environmental organization Green Nudge. Approximately 50 employees participated, collecting more than 150 kg of trash. The top three types of trash picked up were plastic packaging, Styrofoam, and plastic bottles. The Green Nudge staff explained about environmental contamination, which raised the environmental awareness of everyone in attendance.
"We will continue to use our CSR activities to convey the message of environmental conservation in accordance with the SDGs."

Participated in Love Earth Clean-up 2023
Participated in Love Earth Clean-up 2023

Participated in Love Earth Clean-up 2023

On June 11, 2023, a group of 30 people, including e mployees of Kyushu Area Operation and its affiliates and members of their families, participated in Love Earth Clean-up 2023, a local environment beautification activity hosted by Fukuoka City. This activity is held every year in cooperation with citizens, companies, and the local government as a practical activity with its focus on “Global Environment and Community Activities.” Participants cleaned up Reisen Park and the surrounding area near the office of Kyushu Area Operation. We will continue to promote initiatives that allow us to achieve the SDGs and contribute to the region.

Beach cleanup activities
Beach cleanup activities

Beach Cleanup to Improve the Local Environment

On June 10, 2023, 30 employees of Fuji Electric India Pvt. Ltd. participated in a cleaning activity at Neelankarai Beach in Chennai to protect the local environment. Everyone walked all over the beach, picking up large amounts of debris, litter, and plastic waste. Our strong commitment to the local community brought everyone together to make the beach cleaner and more inviting.
"We believe in the power of environmental stewardship, and we will continue to act to protect our beautiful planet!"

Students in the science class
Students in the science class

Science classes held at elementary schools in Kawasaki City

On January and February, 2023, the Kawasaki Factory held science classes for 157 sixth graders at Higashi-Ikuta Elementary School and Oshima Elementary School, which are in Kawasaki City. The Kawasaki Factory has been offering these science classes since 2017 as a way to spark children’s interest in manufacturing through learning about science. This year’s classes were on wind power, which the Kawasaki Factory is closely related to. New employees, who are younger and closer to the children in age, hosted the class, conducting experiments using turbines made from milk cartons and motors. The turbines were used for experiments to demonstrate things such as how electricity is generated using wind, and how the amount of electricity generated varies depending on certain conditions. Afterward, the students shared their thoughts on the lesson, commenting “Now I became good at experimenting and considering,” and “It made me more interested in science, which I was not good at.”

Participated in STEM Fair 2023
Participated in STEM Fair 2023

Participated in STEM Fair 2023

As part of our CSR activities, we, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., participated in STEM Fair 2023, organized by Kedah State. The event lasted for three days from January 8, 2023, and it brought together other companies from the business park where we are located as well as government agencies and industry players, all for the purpose of communicating the importance of STEM* to local students. By producing spider robots, we showcased our power semiconductors and our other products, how they are manufactured, and how fun it can be to learn about STEM.
*Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Fe Share an Hour 2022 Program

Fe Share an Hour 2022 Program

On December 15, 2022, we, Fuji Electric Philippines, Inc. held our annual CSR activity, the Fe Share-an-Hour Program. Our employees donated an hour’s salary for our regular recipients: a women and children’s shelter, a hospice foundation, and separated employees due to disability. We were happy to share our blessings with our less fortunate brothers and sisters by donating cash and in-kind like rice, groceries as well as medicines and toys.

Participating in local beautification activities
Participating in local beautification activities

200 Participated in Community Beautification Activity

On December 10, we carried out a beautification activity for areas around Mie Factory as a community outreach program. About 200 people participated, including employees and their families. This was the first such event in three years due to the pandemic. The participants were divided into two groups, which walked about three kilometers around the factory to pick up trash. This activity allowed us to show our gratitude to the local community for their understanding and cooperation in our corporate activities.

State of competition

Supporting the Cambodia National Skill Competition

Approximately 100 pieces of electrical equipment including Fuji Electric programmable logic controllers (PLC) and circuit breakers were donated to the National Skill Competition held by the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training of Cambodia for five days from October 24 to 28, 2022. During the Competition, 61 students from vocational training schools in Cambodia competed in categories that included electric circuits, manufacturing, and programming with the aim of representing their country at the ASEAN competition. The Competition, now on its 8th occasion, aims to contribute to improving Cambodia’s vocational abilities and the value of its young workers. Since 2017, Fuji Electric has collaborated with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on such projects and will remain involved in activities to support the development of human resources in Cambodia. We will continue our contribution to improving the quality of engineering education for students in Southeast Asia to enhance their technical skills.

Celebrated Deepavali Together with Welfare Home Residents

Celebrated Deepavali Together with Welfare Home Residents

Every year, we, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. , conduct community engagement activities during the season of the Deepavali festival, which celebrates the Hindu New Year. On October 16, 2022, thirteen of our employees visited Sunshine Cottage Welfare Home, a charity center for underprivileged children, the elderly, and the disabled. We donated wheelchairs, thermometers, wall and ceiling fans, and other items. The employees served a special New Year’s meal to 23 residents and enjoyed a very pleasant time together. "It was a short visit, but I was happy to be able to build deeper relationships with the residents and make precious memories."

Developing the Next Generation through Courses at Local Schools

Developing the Next Generation through Courses at Local Schools

As part of the social contribution activities commemorating Fuji Electric’s 100th anniversary in 2023, we Fuji Electric Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. are supporting the development of the next generation by providing courses on the Japanese language, quality and manufacturing, and electrical equipment at two local technical colleges. In some of the courses, our employees serve as instructors, sharing their work knowledge and information about our products. First, we held a two-day course on quality (ISO) from September 20, 2022, which was very popular with the students. "We hope that these courses will help them to gain knowledge and skills they can use in their future jobs."

Mangrove Planting Activity

On September 17, 2022, Fuji Electric Philippines, Inc. planted 1,000 mangrove seedlings in Calatagan in the Province of Batangas, Philippines. Coastal forest rehabilitation not only helps with decarbonization, it also contributes to the livelihoods of the local residents and neighboring fishermen by protecting the water quality and mitigating flood damage. On the day, 41 of our employees participated in the tree planting activity in cooperation with fishermen, a social responsibility specialist, and external environmental protection organizations.
"We were not only able to contribute to environmental protection but also helped the community."

Mangrove Planting Activity
Mangrove Planting Activity
Tree-Planting Activity for Environmental Conservation

Tree-Planting Activity for Environmental Conservation

On March 11, 2022, nine employees of Fuji Electric (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. in China participated in a tree-planting activity held by the Pingsha Town Office for environmental conservation. They worked up a sweat planting a total of 200 seedlings on Maji Mountain in the town of Pingsha. The activity reminded the participants of the grandeur of nature and the importance of protecting the environment.
"We will continue activities like these to conserve the global environment that nurtures us all."

Wastewater recovery system
Wastewater recovery system

Efficient use of water resources at Matsumoto factory

Our Matsumoto Factory, where we make semiconductor wafers, uses large amounts of pure water in the wafer fabrication process and a lot of water for cooling production equipment. Therefore, it is important that we reduce water usage and utilize our water resources effectively.

Pure-water recycling initiatives:

Wastewater from the manufacturing process is sorted and relatively high-quality portions are recycled as raw water for pure water production.
To enhance recovery of wastewater from the washing process, we have successfully made bioactivated carbon filters with Microbacteriaceae, known for its treatment capability of organic substances, and thus improved the recovery rate. For wastewater containing fluorine, which is harmful to the environment, we have introduced a dedicated wastewater recovery system that uses a reverse osmosis membrane to concentrate wastewater and reduce its volume. Moreover, clean water that has passed through the membrane is reused as raw water for making pure water.

Reducing chemical use at hydrofluoric acid treatment facilities:

The water purification process requires regular regeneration of ion exchange resins. This produces a mixture of acidic and alkaline wastewater that previously was discharged into the public sewage system after terminal treatment. In response, we devised and introduced a new wastewater recycling system that separates high-concentration alkaline solution from wastewater and reuses it to adjust pH levels as required in hydrofluoric acid treatment equipment. This enabled us to reduce the amount of chemicals used, as well as overall costs.

Improved wastewater recovery system using integrated wastewater management (IWM):

For the factory’s final treatment process, we installed an integrated wastewater management (IWM) system. Under the system, wastewater that previously was discharged into the public sewage system is reclaimed (through filtration treatment and the like) and reused as water for the plant’s cooling towers and toilets (approximately 1,000 tons/day).Recently, the recovery rate has improved due to improvements in filtration membrane maintenance methods, etc. In fiscal 2022, we are considering introducing a new drainage recovery service, which aims to further reduce water costs and reduce water resources.

Commemorative photograph with the person in charge at the welfare institution
Commemorative photograph with
the person in charge at the welfare institution

Conducting Support Activities for Child Welfare Institution

On September 29, 2022, Shanghai Electric Fuji Electric Power Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. commemorated the relocation of the Wuxi Children’s Welfare Institution by having seven employees from the Company visit the institution. On this occasion, the employees supported over 180 disabled children and orphans by giving gifts including items such as milk and fruits, as well as household electronics needed by the new institution. During the visit, the employees also toured the inside of the institution, and truly felt that the institution had a rich infrastructure in terms of daily life, education, medical care, and other aspects. It is the Company’s hope that through such activities, the children will feel social warmth and a connection to society. Moving forward, we will continue to conduct such support however much we can.

Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in production activities at Matsumoto Factory

The Matsumoto Factory is taking initiatives as Fuji Electric’s main power semiconductor factory to reduce greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2.
In production processes such as etching of semiconductor surfaces, PFC (perfluorocarbon) and other gases with high global warming potential are used. To mitigate the effects, we installed abatement apparatuses to perform thermal decomposition to prevent greenhouse gases from being released into the air. Furthermore, in FY2022, we sequentially installed PFC and CF4 abatement apparatuses on production lines that were not subject to the initial deployment of abatement apparatuses. As a result, we reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 920 tons in 2022 for these production lines. Moving forward, we expect that these apparatuses will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5,500 tons a year.

IGBT modules (7th generation)
IGBT modules (7th generation)

Reducing power losses through the 7th Generation IGBT Modules

Aiming to realize power electronics devices with high-efficiency energy conversion and power control, we continue our developments of innovative devices and module technologies for attaining further reductions of the electricity consumption losses of our IGBT modules and expand the line of offerings of this key device for its 7th-generation family.
In fiscal 2022, we expanded our offerings of intelligent power modules (IPMs) with built-in drive circuits and protection circuits for use in AC servo applications, as well as our lineup of high-capacity modules for renewable energy applications. The 7th generation IGBT module achieves a 10% to 20% reduction of power losses through lower heat generation and other factors, compared to its preceding generations, contributing to the mitigation of CO2 emissions.
The sales of the 7th generation IGBT modules and other products grew through fiscal 2022, reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 5,800,000 tons through the use of our power semiconductors. We will continue our efforts to mitigate CO2 emissions through a wider distribution of our low-loss semiconductor offerings.

General-purpose inverters: CO2 reduction effect of 900 thousand tons/year thanks to energy-saving benefit.

General-purpose inverters: CO2 reduction effect of 4.6 million tons/year thanks to energy-saving benefit.

nverters are used in pumps, fans, conveyors, and the like to help their motors rotate intendedly. The power consumption of pumps and fans is proportional to the cube of the motor’s rotational speed. Accordingly, systems with inverters, which optimize the rotational speed of the motor, can enjoy energy savings of around 50% compared with a damper-controlled system running at a constant rotational speed.
In fiscal 2022, we shipped around 60,000 units (100 kW equivalent) of the latest general-purpose inverters (FRENIC-MEGA (G2) series). This translates to a CO2 emissions reduction effect of around 4.6 million tons per year when they are operated for one year. This reduction effect will continue for roughly 10 years (the average span of operation).

Energy Visualization System
Energy Visualization System

Reducing CO2 emissions during production at the Suzuka Factory

At the Suzuka Factory—the mainstay factory of the Power Electronics Systems Industry business unit—we are carrying out energy-saving activities in which all employees can participate in an effort to reduce the amount of power we consume.
In fiscal 2022, the Suzuka Factory installed approximately 4,200 solar panels on the rooftops of its buildings, taking the first step in our company-wide initiative to introduce solar power. Annual power generation has been estimated at approximately 2,000 MWh. This represents about 15% of the factory’s power consumption and contributes to reducing CO2 emissions.
A total of 21 energy-saving management teams have been formed between departments on each floor of the Suzuka Factory. These teams formulate their own annual targets and action plans and follow-up on the results at monthly meetings. Uncovering areas where energy can be saved is made much easier with the use of an energy visualization system. By visualizing and identifying wasteful energy use, we can make a difference simply by turning off the power used when manufacturing equipment is idle on weekends and holidays, for example.

Removing harmful plants, and working to protect the natural environment

On November 12, 2021, 18 employees of Fuji Electric (China) Co., Ltd. gathered to remove Canadian goldenrod from the Chongming Dongtan Wetland Park, near Shanghai. Canadian goldenrod is an invasive and non-native species of plant which interferes with the germination and growth of the plants around it. In order to protect the environment and let endemic Chinese plants thrive, participants in this event cut down the Canadian goldenrod in the area with sickles, and then dug up the root stocks to ensure thorough removal of the invasive plants. Our company has been engaged in environmental conservation efforts since 2018, and this was our second time hosting the event at Dongtan Wetland Park. We will continue these efforts going forward to contribute to preserving the natural environment.

removal work
participating members this time
Removing harmful plants, and
a picture of all of the participants
Students on the factory tour
Students on the factory tour

Holding a factory tour for local elementary school students

As part of our CSR activities, on November 8, 2021, the Matsumoto Factory, sufficiently taking measures to prevent COVID-19 infection, invited 49 third-year elementary school students from Tsukama Elementary School in Matsumoto City to a factory tour. Power semiconductors, the core product of Matsumoto Factory, are almost never seen in everyday life. The students on the tour listened intently to the explanations provided by our employees and learned the important role played by these semiconductors that are used in familiar products, such as Shinkansen trains, cars, computers and consumer electronics. The students seemed very impressed. We also showed them the power semiconductor production process and cogeneration (combined heat and power) equipment. This was a valuable opportunity for the students to gain a greater understanding of the Matsumoto Factory.

Donation ceremony
Donation ceremony

Holding “Fe Share an Hour 2020”

In addition to considering the health and safety of its employees, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. provides support for medical practitioners active at the forefront in the fight against COVID-19. On March 30, 2020, it cooperated with neighboring companies to donate antiseptic and medical masks to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Kedah. Furthermore, it donated military gloves and antiseptic to the local fire department and the Malaysia Civil Defense Force. In June, it conducted charity activities to collect funds for providing food assistance to neighboring communities that have been affected by COVID-19. We are enthusiastic and have a sense of mission to contribute to local people by doing what we can. We will continue to provide active support for local communities.

Donated demonstration kit
Donated demonstration kit

Donating our products to Hanoi University of Science and Technology

In November 2020, we donated our wireless diagnostic system for rotating machine vibration to Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Vietnam. This is the second time we donated our product as we did automation control kit to the University in 2017. This system enables us to detect early the abnormality of vibration trend in rotating machine by remote monitoring in real time. In response to a request from the university, which aims to strengthen IOT technology education, we donated sets of equipment for experiments, including sensors, transmitter receivers, motors, and personal computers. We hope students will be able to enhance their understanding by using the actual machine directly. We will continue to work on these activities to raise the level of technical skills of students in Southeast Asia.

Coastal cleanup activities
Coastal cleanup activities

Coastal Cleanup Activities to Protect Beautiful Oceans

On September 18, 2020, Fuji Electric Taiwan held a beach cleanup activity at Zhongjiao Bay, a popular tourist spot in New Taipei City, Taiwan. This was the third year for this activity, and about 45 employees, their families, and friends participated in it. While heat still lingered in the middle of September, we collected a lot of trash that washed ashore daily, such as plastic bottles and plastic waste (the work was carried out with careful infection control measures in accordance with the instructions of the local health authorities).

Marine plastic waste entering the ocean has become a global problem, having a tremendous impact on the marine ecosystem. We will continue our efforts to protect the environment through such cleanup activities.

Donation at Kumamoto Prefectural Office
Donation at Kumamoto Prefectural Office

Donations to the areas affected by the heavy rainfall in July 2020

The torrential rains that began on July 3, 2020 caused tremendous damage mainly in the Kyushu and Chubu regions. Fuji Electric donated ¥3 million through the Japanese Red Cross Society and ¥1 million to Kumamoto Prefecture (a total of ¥4 million) to support victims and recovery efforts in the affected areas.

Bringing in relief supplies
Bringing in relief supplies

Contributing to local people by doing what we can

In addition to considering the health and safety of its employees, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. provides support for medical practitioners active at the forefront in the fight against COVID-19. On March 30, 2020, it cooperated with neighboring companies to donate antiseptic and medical masks to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Kedah. Furthermore, it donated military gloves and antiseptic to the local fire department and the Malaysia Civil Defense Force. In June, it conducted charity activities to collect funds for providing food assistance to neighboring communities that have been affected by COVID-19. We are enthusiastic and have a sense of mission to contribute to local people by doing what we can. We will continue to provide active support for local communities.

Survival bag distribution site
Survival bag distribution site

Don’t let COVID-19 beat you! Value connection with the community.

Fuji Electric Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. focused its efforts on controlling the spread of COVID-19. In March 2020, when supply of hand sanitizer ran short, the company worked with occupational health physicians to produce original hand sanitizer and engaged in volunteer activities to teach local people how to make it. In June, it also cooperated with regional administration and educational institutions to supply daily necessities to 500 local households in need as a result of COVID-19. The Company’s management members handed survival bags containing foodstuffs, daily necessities, antiseptic solution, and other infection control items to each local resident. As a member of society, we will contribute to early recovery of local communities through these activities.