Protecting the Natural Environment

Fuji Electric undertakes wide-ranging activities both in Japan and overseas to help protect the natural environment, including those to prevent global warming and to preserve biodiversity, mainly in areas where it has operating sites.

Activity Themes for Protecting the Natural Environment

Activity Examples

Forest Preservation Activities

Contributing to the Environment through Highland Tree Planting

As part of its CSR activities, Fuji Electric Philippines,Inc. conducted a tree-planting activity in the highlands on September 30, 2023. There were 43 participants, including our employees and representatives from Local Government Unit, and the Boy Scout of the Philippines. They planted fruit bearing trees like soursop, star apple, hairy lychee, and other fruits at Makiling National Scout Reservation Camp. This activity will contribute to protecting the global environment in a variety of ways, such as helping to mitigate global warming, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the impact of floods.

Tree-Planting Activity for Environmental Conservation
Contributing to the Azumino’s Environment as a Forest Foster Parent

As part of our CSR activities, Fuji Electric Meter Co., Ltd. Has signed a contract for the Forest Foster Parent system with Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, and we are working to conserve approximately 32 hectares of forest there. On September 23, 2023, we held a forest conservation activity for the first time in about four years. It was attended by 17 of our employees and two city hall employees. We cut undergrowth with brushcutters and pruned with saws. When we looked at the light shining into the forest which we had cleared of unnecessary branches and weeds, everyone smiled with a sense of accomplishment.
"Each and every one of us will continue to proactively contribute to society through environmental conservation activities like these!"

Biodiversity Conservation Efforts

Mangrove Planting Activity

On September 17, 2022, Fuji Electric Philippines, Inc. planted 1,000 mangrove seedlings in Calatagan in the Province of Batangas, Philippines. Coastal forest rehabilitation not only helps with decarbonization, it also contributes to the livelihoods of the local residents and neighboring fishermen by protecting the water quality and mitigating flood damage. On the day, 41 of our employees participated in the tree planting activity in cooperation with fishermen, a social responsibility specialist, and external environmental protection organizations.
"We were not only able to contribute to environmental protection but also helped the community."

Removing harmful plants
a picture of all of the participants

Marine and River Preservation Activities

Beach cleaning
Beach Cleanup to Protect the Local Environment

As part of our CSR activities, Fuji Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd. held a beach cleanup at Zhuangwei Beach on September 22, 2023. These events had been suspended for the past twoyears due in part to COVID-19. The weather was beautiful on the day of the cleanup, and a total of 47 people including employees and their families participated. They picked up trash for about an hour, and then enjoyed a social gathering at a nearby restaurant. After working up a pleasant sweat, the participants bonded over a delicious meal.
“This activity contributed to the local environment and was a great bonding experience both for the company and for families.”

Beach cleanup activities
Beach cleanup activities
Cleaning Up the Beach as a CSR Activity

On June 14, Fuji Electric Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. conducted a beach clean-up activity as part of its CSR activities in partnership with the environmental organization Green Nudge. Approximately 50 employees participated, collecting more than 150 kg of trash. The top three types of trash picked up were plastic packaging, Styrofoam, and plastic bottles. The Green Nudge staff explained about environmental contamination, which raised the environmental awareness of everyone in attendance.
"We will continue to use our CSR activities to convey the message of environmental conservation in accordance with the SDGs."

Beach cleanup activities
Beach cleanup activities
Beach Cleanup to Improve the Local Environment

On June 10, 2023, 30 employees of Fuji Electric India Pvt. Ltd. participated in a cleaning activity at Neelankarai Beach in Chennai to protect the local environment. Everyone walked all over the beach, picking up large amounts of debris, litter, and plastic waste. Our strong commitment to the local community brought everyone together to make the beach cleaner and more inviting.
"We believe in the power of environmental stewardship, and we will continue to act to protect our beautiful planet!"