Employee Health and Safety Management

Health and Safety Policy for Eliminating Workplace Accidents

Health and Safety Basic Policy

Employee health and safety is a top management priority. In line with the Health and Safety Basic Philosophy of putting that health and safety of workers takes precedence over everything else, we formulated the Basic Policy on Health and Safety, and have declared it to all business sites in Japan and overseas.

Health and Safety Basic Philosophy Health and Safety of Workers takes precedence over everything else.
Fuji Electric Health and Safety Basic Policy
  1. 1.

    Health and safety is one of the most important tasks of corporate management at Fuji Electric. High-quality health and safety activities are practiced to make the workplace safe and comfortable, eradicate industrial accidents and prevent mental and physical diseases.

  2. 2.

    Applicable laws and regulations, and autonomous standards established by the Company, individual business offices and departments shall be observed. Health and safety activities sticking to the basics shall be exercised at all times.

  3. 3.

    All individuals involved in the business of Fuji Electric shall participate in the voluntary health and safety activities as a team and enroot safety culture in the workplace in order to ensure their own health and safety.

  4. 4.

    Health and safety activities focusing on the employees’ health and safety are pursued aggressively in all businesses we conduct. By publicizing these activities, we contribute to creation of a safer, securer and more comfortable society.

Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy and Yearly Slogan

Every fiscal year we formulate the Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy, which identifies issues and specific action items based on the Health and Safety Basic Policy, and to further raise employee awareness we solicit ideas from them to create a health and safety yearly slogan.

The Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy is shared with all employees through our business sites and becomes the cornerstone of health and safety activities for the fiscal year at the head office, branches, factories and local construction sites. In addition to domestic subsidiaries, the policy is delivered to overseas subsidiaries in English and in Chinese and we cultivate within all employees the ideas of "safety culture".

Occupational Health and Safety Promotion System

Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., established the Health and Safety Promotion Committee, made up of officers in charge of labor relations and top management at all operating sites at the pinnacle of the Fuji Electric, and it sets the Company-wide direction of occupational health and safety management while also overseeing specific activities. The committee meets annually to determine the Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy and a health and safety yearly slogan for each New Year while summarizing various factors, including the number of occupational and business automobile accidents in the previous year. It also steadily implements the PDCA cycle to ensure Company-wide safety and health.

In response to the Company-wide Policy, we established management policies, regulations, and standards for both ongoing operations and fixed-term projects at our plants, head office, and divisions according to their specific environments and attributes. We operate under an optimal safety and health management system based on the PDCA cycle for safety and health activities, which sets out requirements for the ideal state of safety and health management, including the development of management systems and various activities such as risk assessment. Each organization implements rigorous top-down command and control. We also conduct health and safety audits through safety departments across the Company. Emphasis is placed on bottom-up functions that reflect the real voices of workers in the field. Moreover, we work closely with our labor union to promote optimal occupational health management at each site.

Our thermal and geothermal plant business division, which has frequent contact with overseas customers, has acquired ISO 45001 safety and health certification.

Initiatives to Ensure Occupational Health and Safety

Fiscal 2023 Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy and Yearly Slogan

In fiscal 2023, the following actions were specified in the Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy and health and safety yearly slogan as we worked to maintain safety and prevent occupational accidents.

Health and Safety Targets
  1. 1.

    Zero work-related disasters

  2. 2.

    Zero work-related illness

  3. 3.

    Zero traffic accidents

Concrete Action Plans
  1. 1.

    Occupational Safety

    1. 1.

      Managers should repeatedly provide safety guidance appropriate for the characteristics of the workplace in order to prevent occupational accidents caused by human errors of workers and unsafe behavior such as disregard for rules.

    2. 2.

      Led by top management, promote risk assessment involving not only direct departments but also indirect departments, and minimize workplace risks by ensuring the essential safety of dangerous work and utilizing engineering measures.

    3. 3.

      Top management takes the initiative in thoroughly investigating the causes of occupational accidents that have occurred, taking measures to prevent recurrence, and deploying the measures throughout departments to prevent similar accidents. In addition, if any risks still remain, rules for work methods and procedures should be established and observed.

    4. 4.

      When performing non-routine work, do not make decisions on your own, but always discuss with a manager, supervisor, etc. regarding work methods and procedures, and ensure that safety is confirmed while the work is being performed.

    5. 5.

      Implement safety and health training systematically, and keep records of the training after confirming that workers understand and have mastered it. Given the frequent occurrence of occupational accidents, particularly among workers who handle dangerous or hazardous substances and less-experienced workers, frequently implement daily safety and health guidance such as self-check risk prediction (kiken yochi or KY).

    6. 6.

      Prevent disasters and health issues by improving the workplace environment and appropriately allocating personnel by taking into account older workers who may have declining physical functionality or need attention to their health.

    7. 7.

      Enhance measures to prevent heatstroke in advance such as by improving the working environment, utilizing wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) meters, and wearing air-conditioned clothing, so that the physical condition of workers can be controlled precisely and thoroughly.

  2. 2.

    Occupational Health

    1. 1.

      Thoroughly manage each of the three occupational safety controls (working environment control, work control, and health control) to prevent work-related illnesses.

    2. 2.

      When handling chemical substances, be sure to perform the work according to the revised legal regulations. In particular, always conduct a risk assessment in advance using safety data sheets (SDS), and based on the results of the risk assessment, implement risk reduction measures before performing the work.

    3. 3.

      Actively implement ongoing company-wide health promotion activities with the aim of preventing and improving lifestyle-related health issues, and preventing mental health problems.

  3. 3.

    Traffic Safety

    1. 1.

      Safe driving managers and heads of departments should thoroughly educate qualified drivers of business vehicles by such means as driving seminars, and control and supervise the appropriate use of business vehicles in accordance with laws and standards.

    2. 2.

      Thoroughly check for the presence of alcohol (such as by using a breathalyzer) and whether the level is in compliance with laws and regulations, and record it.

    3. 3.

      Safe driving managers and heads of departments should thoroughly check the state of driver fatigue and the appropriateness of operation plans, and take necessary measures to prevent overworked personnel from driving.

    4. 4.

      Drivers should drive safely to prevent accidents, and keep in mind the careful handling of the vehicle and the 4S methods (sort (seiri), set in order (seiton), shine (seisou), and standardize (seiketsu)) inside the vehicle. In particular, drivers who have few opportunities to drive should pay attention to the type of vehicle (the vehicle class) they are driving and the parking lots they are using to prevent careless traffic accidents. Vehicle passengers should also participate in checking for safety proactively.

Health and Safety Yearly Slogan

Creating a zero-accident workplace by observing workplace rules decided by everyone

Fuji Electric Health and Safety Conference

In accordance with our Corporate Mission we hold the Fuji Electric Health and Safety Conference each year with participation from representatives of factories, head office, divisions, labor union, affiliated companies, and partner companies. At the conference, attendees pledge to develop and maintain safe, secure, healthy, and positive workplaces.

The aims of the conference are to promote a “culture of safety” in which each and every employee always strives to prevent work-related accidents, and to foster a heightened awareness across the Fuji Electric Group as a team about prioritizing safety and health.

The fiscal 2022 conference was attended by many occupational safety and health personnel, including those from affiliated and cooperating companies. We prepared and shared summaries of fiscal 2023 initiatives and main objectives and issues to be addressed in fiscal 2024 with messages from top management and union top for reflection in the management policies of factories, head office, divisions, and affiliated companies.

In fiscal 2024 the entire Company will continue promoting health and safety activities to achieve its health and safety targets.

Holding Health and Safety Training

In addition to legally mandated health and safety training, Fuji Electric also provides training through open seminars, which are even open to employees of subsidiaries and affiliates; new employee training; and training and drills conducted on the business site and factory level. In addition, leader and occupational health and safety manager training is provided for the floor leaders of affiliates. In this manner, we organize and hold health and safety training based on highly practical curriculums throughout each year. In recent years, the Company has also been focused on traffic safety seminars designed to eliminate accidents in Company vehicles as well as on mental health training.

Health and Safety Training in Fiscal 2023
Factory Health and Safety Audit and Sales Office Safety Conference

We conduct health and safety audits in cooperation with safety departments across the Company in order to manage and monitor compliance with factory health and safety standards.

In these audits, we use a common checklist to confirm compliance with laws and regulations and internal rules and provide guidance through actual on-site checks. We also conduct audits of business vehicle management at our sales offices in an effort to strengthen legal compliance and monitoring.

In addition, we conduct audits of business vehicle management at consolidated subsidiaries.

Safety Patrols

Realizing its responsibility of as a company that uses subcontractors, Fuji Electric conducts thorough patrols of plant construction sites at which it is responsible for the safety a large of number of subcontractors based on local health and safety diagnosis standards. Through these patrols, we seek to secure, maintain, and enhance compliance and health and safety.

Ensuring Safety at Overseas Bases

At the overseas manufacturing bases of consolidated subsidiaries, we apply the Company-wide Health and Safety Management Policy and health and safety regulations and provide safety training materials, in effort to achieve management levels equivalent to Japan. We also work to conduct health and safety activities that reflect the laws, cultures and customs of each country with a Company-wide system that involves coordination between the safety division and personnel, legal, overseas sales and industrial health divisions

Examples of Health and Safety Activities

Inspections from a third-party perspective are an effective way to uncover risks lurking in familiar work processes. We therefore believe it is vital to continue conducting systematic safety patrols and risk assessment at business sites, including those of Group companies. Such safety patrols are performed at domestic factories and construction sites as well as overseas bases in China, Southeast Asia, and other locations, leading to great successes.

Safety patrol
Safety patrol
Risk assessment of facility
Risk assessment of facility

Status of Work-Related Accidents

Accident Frequency Rate
Accident Frequency Rate(Rate of lost-worktime injuries)

Accident frequency rate (Rate of lost-worktime injuries):
Number of accidents resulting in casualties per 1 million work hours=
Number of accidents resulting in casualties ÷ Aggregate work hours × 1,000,000
Number of accidents resulting in casualties =
Accidents results in fatalities + Accidents requiring time off from work (excluding accidents not requiring time off from work)


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries in Japan

Accident Severity Rate
Accident Severity Rate


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries in Japan

Number of Fatal Accidents


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries in Japan

Health Management and Mental Healthcare

In addition to legally mandated regular health checks, active efforts are being made to prevent lifestyle-related diseases through measures such as adopting the latest screening items and methods and making professional health consultations available.

In addition, we are developing systems and environments in which all employees can work with good health and vitality. Under the Company-wide health promotion system that actively supports each employee's efforts to maintain and improve their health, we are propelling company-wide health promotion activities.

In fiscal 2023, we held an e-learning programs to prevent and ameliorate lifestyle-related diseases and mental health problems, as well as e-learning on mental and physical health education for all employees, as well as education for learning how to care for subordinates (line care) for senior managers in positions of leadership in the workplace. In addition, we are encouraging medical checkups for those with severe lifestyle-related diseases, eliminating work-related interruptions to treatment, strengthening health guidance for those who are in the preliminary stages of such diseases, and providing health guidance for those with inappropriate lifestyles.

Our stress check system, which is designed to prevent mental health problems among workers, has become widespread among our employees. We also conduct collective analysis on an ongoing basis and use the results to improve our workplaces. In addition, we provide mental health education from various perspectives, including sleep education and stress coping methods, according to the characteristics of our business bases—factories, head office, and divisions—to emphasize self-care and line care.

Furthermore, we have set up a 24-hour health hotline to provide physical and mental health counseling to employees and their families at any time while strictly protecting their privacy.

We are committed to protecting employees on overseas business trips and assignments from catching infectious diseases, such as type-A hepatitis, tetanus, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19. To this end, we implement medical examinations and vaccinations before they go abroad, and provide a wide range of information on infection prevention measures via our website and other resources.

Starting from fiscal 2020, we also conduct stress checks on employees posted overseas to prevent mental health problems from occurring.