Servo Systems
ALPHA5 Smart | Servo Amplifier | VV type

ALPHA5 Smart


Common specifications

Common specifications


This value represents the average value of the speed fluctuation that is generated from load fluctuation, power supply fluctuation, and temperature fluctuation as the percentage to the rated rotation speed.

Interface Specifications

Interface Specifications

External Dimensions

Frame 1

Frame 1

Frame 2

Frame 2

Frame 3

Frame 3

Frame 4

Frame 4

Connection Diagram

Sample: frame 1

Sample: frame 1


Connect the shield to the connector shell of CN1 and CN2. The connector shell is at the ground potential.


When connecting the open collector, the wiring length should be 2 m or less.


The diagram shown above is given as a reference for model selection.
When actually using the selected servo system, make wiring connections according to the connection diagram and instructions described in the user's manual.


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