Employee Related Data

Number of Full-Time Employees



Number of Full-Time Employees and Non-Full-Time Employees by Region


Average Age and Years of Service

Recruiting Results in Japan


Regular Recruiting: New graduates hired on April 1st each fiscal year.
Mid-Career Recruiting: Mid-Career hiring from April 1st to March 31st each fiscal year.

Employees by Age Group


Turnover/Turnover Ratio

Diversity and Inclusion

Gender Composition of Assistant Manager or Higher Position


Wage ratio of women to men

Based on the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Act No. 64 of 2015), this figure is calculated as the ratio of the average annual wage of women to the average annual wage of men for all workers, full-time workers, and part-time/fixed-term workers. The wage gap between men and women arises from differences in the composition of the workforce, and our personnel treatment system is designed to be equal and operated equally, regardless of gender. We are working to reduce the wage gap through our efforts to promote women's participation and advancement.

Number of Assistant Manager or Higher Position of Non-Japanese Nationality and Mid-Careers


Employment of People with Disabilities

Number of Disabled Employees and Employment Rate of Disabled Employees are as of June 1st.

Employment of the Elderly

Human Resource Development

Work-Life Balance

Average Number and Percentage of Annual Paid Vacation Days Taken/Average Overtime Work Hours

Childcare and Nursing Care Related System


Health and Safety