About Fuji Electric
Fuji Electric by the Numbers


Fuji Electric is set up as a capital and technology alliance between Japan "Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd." and German "Siemens AG". Since then, we aim to pursue technological innovation in energy and environment.

27,325 people
Japan 17,340
Overseas 9,985

Our employees have diverse values and lead the cutting edge of energy technology; offering products that are ahead of the times.


as of March 31, 2024

Business Segments
4 Segments

With energy and environment technology as its core technology, Fuji Electric contributes to the creation of responsible and sustainable societies through its four business segments: Energy, Industry, Semiconductors, Food and Beverage Distribution


as of October 1, 2023

461,048 items

Based upon the experience and knowledge, Fuji Electric has products ranging from small Semiconductor to larger Power Plants. We provide total solutions contributing to lower energy consumption to a range of customers. (* Numbers of items are based on product models types)


as of March 31, 2024

Sales and Services Manufacturing Bases
192 bases

Fuji Electric is located in 192 locations and 20 countries. Through these networks, we deliver products to customers around the world; contributing to the resolution of energy management problems.


as of March 31, 2024

Product spread area
95 countries

Fuji Electrics' products are introduced in more than 90 countries. We pursue technological innovation in energy and environment and continue to provide environmentally friendly products that use maximum efficiency energy.


as of March 31, 2024

1,103.2 billion JPY
Japan 770.8 billion JPY
Overseas 332.4 billion JPY

breakdown: Asia 163.4 billion JPY, China 96.3 billion JPY, Europe 39.2 billion JPY, Americas 33.4 billion JPY

The overseas sales ratio is approximately 30.1%.


Year ended March 31, 2024