SX Bus Related / Other Related Modules | Overview

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SX Bus Optical Link Module : NP1L-OL1/OL3


Available optical fiber cables are PCF and quartz glass fiber cables and max.
transmission distances are 25.6 km (25℃) and 64 km.


  • Mounted on the base board to transmit the SX bus signal as an optical signal.

  • NP1L-OL1

  • NP1L-OL3

SX Bus Optical Converter Unit : NP2L-OE1


Available optical fiber cable is PCF, and max. transmission distance is 25.6 km (25℃).


  • This unit connects between the SX bus cable and optical fiber cable to transmit the SX bus signal as an optical sign.

  • NP2L-OE1

SX Bus Electric Repeater Unit: NP2L-RP1


  • SX bus connection using another 25 m electric cable is enabled by correcting the signal waveforms of the SX bus electric cable.

  • Up to three units can be used in one SX system, increasing the total extension length of the SX bus electric cable to a max. of 100 m.

  • NP2L-RP1

SX bus Duplication Unit: NP2L-BH1


  • It is a unit to duplicate the SX bus cable from the base board.
    It is installed on the left side of the base board (adjacent to the SX bus connector of the base board) to physically separate the SX bus into 2 systems.

  • The duplicated SX bus which allows the continued bus communication even when a line disconnection can be applicable to ships, power plants and vehicle systems that require high reliability.

  • NP2L-BH1

USB Communication Module: NP1L-UC1


  • Mounted on the base board to connect the CPU module (SPH2000/3000/3000D) with the programming support tool SX-Programmer.

  • This module and the programming support tool are connected by a USB cable.

  • The maximum number of these modules that can be connected in one configuration is 238.

  • The programing support tool can be used while checking the actual state of IOs (actuator, control equipment) by mounting this module on each distributed base board.

  • NP1L-UC1