Promoting Work-Life Balance

Stance on Work-Life Balance

We are strengthening initiatives in Japan to help employees achieve work-life balance by creating working environments that are more conducive to diversity and that enable people to fulfill their potential. We have positioned workstyle innovation and the enhancement of a support system to provide fulfillment in and outside of work as key concerns of management to ensure that people can focus on their jobs while at work and rest properly outside of work. Management and labor representatives deliberate on these issues, and we are endeavoring to enhance our programs and corporate culture.

Promoting Work-Style Innovation

Fuji Electric is moving forward with promoting workstyle innovations in the belief that a balanced workstyle raises productivity.

We conduct activities at each business site aimed at raising work quality and efficiency, including a review of the workflow and the monitoring of the business operations. Fuji Electric continues steadfast efforts to reduce workhours and encourage employees to acquire leave through joint initiatives between organizational divisions and workplaces as it promotes awareness reforms. As a result, from fiscal 2019 there were zero violations of our overtime work limit or our requirement to take five days of annual paid leave.

In addition, with regard to the Location Flexible working systems that enable employees to work in locations other than the office at which they are posted or at home introduced in June 2017, we will gradually relax the scope of target users and requirements. Many employees use them as "one of the various workstyle options that contribute to raising work efficiency."

As part of our Companywide business quality improvement activities (Pro-7), which we have been working on for some time, we have set up and are propelling workstyle reform promotion projects to achieve the Pro-7 goals after organizing items that are common to the entire Company and items that each business group will work on according to industries and business conditions.

Promotion of paid leave acquisition

In addition to promoting physical and mental health, we encourage a workstyle of focusing on one’s job while at work and resting properly outside of work along with teamwork. For this reason, we are implementing the following initiatives.

  • Promotion of acquisition of five consecutive days of leave

  • Revision of system for taking planned leaves (system promoting advanced planning on when to use of 50% of paid leave days allocated in each fiscal year)

  • Holding of regular forums for discussion to enable initiatives to be monitored by both labor and management

  • Simultaneous acquisition of paid leave by employees at individual bases (up to five day)

  • Tracking of leave acquisition (thorough monitoring of plans and performance)


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and the consolidated subsidiaries (7 companies) that adopt the same HR system as the Company.

Initiatives to prevent excessive working hours

The prevention of excessive working hours has been defined as a shared, Companywide target. Accordingly, we have been implementing monitoring and attitude reform initiatives on a workplace basis at all businesses sites. The progress of initiatives is tracked on a monthly basis. Those business sites that have been found to have a large number of employees working excessive hours in previous fiscal years are designated as requiring follow-up monitoring, and regular meetings are held with these sites to confirm the progress of individual initiatives.

A certain degree of success has been achieved through these efforts, as indicated by an ongoing decrease in employees working excessive hours.

Companywide Policies for Preventing Excessive Workhours
  1. 1.

    Minimize the number of employees working more than 80 hours of overtime a month

  2. 2.

    Limit overtime to 100 hours a month and 80 a month on 2–6 month average even during busy periods

  3. 3.

    Work toward above targets with regard to employees not normally applicable (local installation workers, etc.)

Attitude reform initiatives
  • Establishment of days when employees should leave work on time (no overtime days)

  • Management of overtime be requiring pre-reporting

  • E-mail alert to managers of the excess overtime limit for the month

  • Institution of overtime patrols

  • Awareness improvement through e-learning programs and posters


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and the consolidated subsidiaries (7 companies) that adopt the same HR system as the Company.

Systems allowing for flexibility in work locations and working hours

Flex-time system

Used by roughly 100% of employees in sales, development, engineering, and staff-related divisions.

Introduction of Location Flexible Working Systems (Work in Satellite Offices or Home Offices)

Create external working spaces and environments where working hours can be used efficiently by allowing employees to work at home or at offices other than the one at which they are normally stationed to reduce commute time and also contribute to improved work-life balance for employees raising children or caring for family members, or dealing with other circumstances. Starting in fiscal 2017, in addition to the conventional support for work-life balance, we are gradually expanding the scope of applicability for the work in satellite offices or home offices system as "one of the various workstyle options that contribute to raising work efficiency" to allow for even more flexible workstyles.


Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and the consolidated subsidiaries (7 companies) that adopt the same HR system as the Company.

Helping Employees to Achieve Fulfillment in and outside of Work

For employees raising children or caring for someone, we are enriching the support system and creating initiatives to influence workplace morale to maximize the ability of these employees to find fulfillment in and outside of work.

Support for Raising Children

System to Support Employees on Childcare Leave

Fuji Electric introduced a web communication tool to help alleviate the anxieties of employees on long leave from the Company. This program provides a wide range of services helpful to employees including timely information on the Company, a channel of communication with managers, and e-learning courses for developing business skills to facilitate the smooth return to work.

Training to Help Employees Return to Work after Childcare Leave

Moreover, the Company conducts manager and subordinate communication training focused on support for work-life balance when an employee returns to work. This training provides a forum for employees returning to work and their managers to share their thinking about work and career aspirations. The training aims to promote work-life balance for returning employees and to maximize performance within the Company.
In fiscal 2022, 100% of applicable employees returned to work after childcare leave, and 21 pairs participated in training.

Participation in Childcare by Male Employees

Awareness activities including displays of posters in workplaces are being carried out to create a culture in which men participate in childcare.In addition, in order to receive a wide range of consultation about men’s participation in childcare,we have established a "Ikumen consultation" in each office Affairs.

When a male employee has a child, the human resources department sends an e-mail to that employee and their supervisor explaining the childcare system, and proactively promotes the use of the system.

Care Support

Fuji Electric also places considerable weight on supporting employees whose family members and relatives require nursing care. Our various initiatives include continuing to upgrade and expand our nursing care leave system and disseminating information in a timely manner via our website.

[Support Systems for Balancing Work with Nursing Care]

Caregiver e-learning for managers

We held an e-learning program for managers to help them understand the basics of caregiving and how to deal with subordinates who are caring for a family member. More than 2,600 managers took part in the program, deepening their understanding of how to balance work and nursing care.

Enhancement of Support Systems for Balancing Work with Nursing Care

Fuji Electric is implementing various measures to help employees balance their work with nursing care.

  1. 1.

    We have established a nursing care website that provides employees with a wide range of information pertaining to nursing care. In addition, our labor union have prepared a “Nursing Care Handbook,” and have distributed it to employees and published it on our nursing care website.

  2. 2.

    We have also established nursing care consultation venues that can provide employees with assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a week to promptly address their concerns and questions regarding nursing care.

  3. 3.

    Furthermore, we offer financial support for nursing care through our “Nursing Care Fund System," which provides monetary assistance in paying the costs of out-of-pocket nursing care services through the Fuji Electric Mutual Aid Association.

  4. 4.

    In order to provide nursing care information, we distribute an e-mail newsletter containing basic knowledge of nursing care and up-to-date information to all employees every quarter. In addition, we post and distribute videos on our intranet that support employees in their efforts to balance nursing care and work. The videos provide necessary and timely information and can be accessed without the constraints of time and place.

Various childcare and nursing care systems

As a part of efforts to support work-life balance, Fuji Electric has introduced a variety of leave systems in Japan. In addition to childcare and nursing care leave, we have also set up other leave systems, including shortened working hour systems and system for use in the event of a spouse being posted overseas.

Our Location Flexible work system allows employees to take nursing care leave in half-day increments and, in fiscal 2020, expanded the system to allow such leave to be taken on an hourly basis. In fiscal 2017, we introduced working systems that enable employees to work in satellite or home offices. Allowing employees to work at home or in locations other than the office at which they are posted and has helped improve the work-life balance of employees with childcare or nursing care responsibilities. Through these efforts, the work system is encouraging male employees to take part in childrearing while reforming awareness among such employees and their coworkers and cultivating an understanding corporate culture.
In addition, as a measure to support the balance between work and childcare, we established a paid leave system for early reinstatement after childbirth and are working to expand the support programs we provide our employees.

Number of childcare- and nursing care-related system users Various childcare and nursing care systems


Number of childcare- and nursing care-related system users




Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and the consolidated subsidiaries (6 companies) that adopt the same HR system as the Company.