Human Resource Development and Fair Evaluation

Basic Stance toward Human Resource Development

Fuji Electric views the development of employee skills as a top priority for management. Training at Fuji Electric is intended to give form to the corporate philosophy and management policies. In addition, having declared our promise to “Respect and value all people” in our Code of Conduct, we have announced our intent to reinforce human resource development programs to drive the growth of individual employees and to heighten the overall potential of teams. We are also proactive in providing education and training opportunities for employees to cultivate professionals that can contribute to increased global competitiveness.

Education and Training Systems

As well as on-the-job training and specific education run by business divisions or sites, a wide array of education and training is provided through Company-wide training and level-specific specialty training courses. We aim to achieve the growth of individuals, which is the source of our competitive strength, and to improve our comprehensive strength as an organization.

Training System Structure
Training System Structure
Level-Specific Training

In order to foster strong team building capabilities, level-specific training is provided to individuals receiving promotions or new appointments to help them improve their management skills, people skills, and logical thinking skills. A total of 1,411 individuals underwent such training in fiscal 2022.

Selective Training

We provide selective training to identify individuals with the potential to become future division or business leaders at an early stage and to promote ongoing and Companywide cultivation of candidates for future positions in senior management. Selected individuals are submitted to an education program that includes external training, which also serves as an opportunity for them to interact with people from other companies. A total of 65 individuals were selected for such training in fiscal 2022.

Specialty Training

The aim of specialty training is enable employees to enhance their individual abilities and to learn new specialized knowledge and skills. In particular, we systematically structure our technology seminars into several specific categories, offering seminars by segment and level. A total of 5,530 individuals underwent such training in fiscal 2022.

Manufacturing education

Our factories in Japan are working to amass manufacturing technologies and expertise in-house while nurturing production engineers and technicians who can succeed at overseas manufacturing bases. For the first year after joining the Company, we provide technical training for technicians involved directly in manufacturing and three months’ specialized technical training for new engineers who are posted in the production technology divisions of factories. For mid-level technicians, we provide Monotsukuri Meister training to develop human resources with advanced skills and excellent improvement and rationalization capabilities.

We also conduct courses in a planned curriculum that includes job- and level-specific training from a manufacturing perspective, and courses that are geared to the particular skill level of each employee.

Engineering Training
Practical training on core technologies

Manufacturing technology and Management technique training for mid-level employees in production technology and technical fields

New engineer training

Practical group training on production technologies for all new university-educated employees

New engineer training
Second year core technology training

Training on core manufacturing technologies for all university-educated employees in their second year at Fuji Electric

Second year core technology training
  • Quality control course

  • Industrial engineering course

  • Value engineering course

  • Cost management course

Technical Training
Supervisor training

Level-specific training (manufacturing supervisors, process supervisors, and leaders) for cultivating supervisors

Monotsukuri Meister training

This is basic and applied training for mid-level leaders to learn superior technical skills necessary to improve and streamline work processes. Those who have been certified as Monotsukuri Meisters are given incentives to increase their motivation and strengthen the craftsmanship capabilities of our factories.

New technician training

Training program for all new employees from vocational schools during first year at Fuji Electric during which employees live in dormitories


Education and Training Aligned to the Promotion of Globalization

We are cultivating human resources based on the belief that to provide maximum satisfaction to customers around the world, it is important for persons employed in countries and regions outside Japan and employees in Japan to work together as one team across countries and regions.

Basic Policy for Cultivating Globally Competent Employees

By providing employees in Japan and overseas with opportunities to leave their home countries to experience work and life overseas, we are cultivating human resources that are able to create new value on teams with local hires. For employees to create such value, it is important for them to develop an understanding of themselves and an understanding of other to help them learn to move past the different cultures and customs of other countries and regions to see all employees as individuals and respect and work together with them.

The Global Specialist Program involves dispatching employees from Japan to overseas assignments while the National Staff Program sees employees come to Japan from overseas. These programs are designed to promote personnel exchanges between Japan and overseas and to drive global human resource development by enabling employees to acquire work skills at the site of their dispatch.

Basic Policy for Cultivating Globally Competent Employees

Introduction of New Human Resources Development Programs

1.Cultivation of domestic employees—Global Specialist Program (about 10 employees dispatched per year)

The Global Specialist Program entails overseas assignments of approximately two years for mid-level employees that have accumulated a certain degree of experience in Japan. This program is aimed at expanding the number of future global business leaders, driving further global business development, and accelerating business growth. A total of 50 employees have been dispatched through this program since its introduction in fiscal 2017.

2.Developing overseas recruits: National Specialist Program (about 10 employees accepted per year)

In order to develop human resources who can contribute to the future expansion of our overseas operations, we offer an OJT program where local employees from our overseas sites receive training in Japan for a period of approximately three months to one year. This program has accepted a cumulative total of 60 people since fiscal 2017.

3.Language skill improvement program—Fuji Global 1 (about 300 participants per year)

Improving the language skills of employees that are dispatched overseas and the key personnel in Japan that serve as venues for contact from overseas will be crucial as Fuji Electric continues to globalize its business. An aggregate total of 2,600 employees have participated in this program over the past three years.

We aim to supply the individuals who will be central to future development with opportunities to acquire the language skills that will enable them to function on the global stage. This program is thus anticipated to help accelerate the pace at which we are able to foster globally competent human resources that can be effective contributors to the workplace.

A Fair Remuneration System

Fuji Electric has introduced a remuneration philosophy that focuses on rewarding employees for results and corresponds to the value of their work.

For management employees, Fuji Electric utilizes a remuneration system that reflects scopes of operations and levels of responsibility. This system was designed to strengthen employees’ commitment toward achieving their own individual goals in order to contribute to the accomplishment of the Company’s performance targets and to nurture the leaders of the future that will drive the organization (teams) forward.

Our compensation system for general employees, meanwhile, is based on a job qualification system for planning positions, where not only results but also processes (behavioral characteristics) are evaluated. Those in skill-based and practical positions are assessed annually, and increases in their work proficiency are reflected in their compensation. For technicians above a certain level, we have a system in place to reward their improvements and rationalization efforts in the form of an added bonus. As a side note, the targets and achievements which are the basis of the operation of each evaluation system are checked by superiors and subordinates at each interview.

[Overview of Evaluation Systems]