Promoting Diversity

Stance on Promoting Diversity

Diversity as a Management Strategy

Fuji Electric places the utmost importance on "Maximize our strengths as a team, respecting employees’ diverse ambition" as its management policy, and upholds "Respect and value all people" as its corporate Code of Conduct. With respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, and ensuring the health of employees serving as its foundation, the company actively invests in its people, fostering their development, promoting their success, and ensuring their appropriate placement to drive sustainable growth.

We are also promoting hiring irrespective of gender or nationality, employing those who can be effective immediately and are career-focused, and actively advancing women and people who have been hired overseas (local hires).

Diversity Promotion System

In accordance with our management policy of "Maximize our strengths as a team, respecting employees’ diverse ambition", since 2006, Fuji Electric has been actively developing frameworks, a corporate culture, and a workplace environment that ensures the diversity of all employees is respected and that employees are able to exercise their talents to the fullest.

Based on the system outlined below, we are currently pursuing inter-division coordination while initiatives are shared among divisions to propel our initiatives forward.

  • Approval of diversity measures (including training and other) by Executive Officer in charge of Human resources and General Affairs

  • Assignment of a dedicated person to assume responsibility for promoting diversity (within Human Resources and General Affairs Office)

  • Construction of a cross-Group diversity promotion system (that incorporates business units and operating sites)

Diversity Promotion System
Diversity Promotion System

External Assessment

Acquisition of Highest Rank of Eruboshi Certification Based on Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

In 2018, Fuji Electric received the highest rank of Eruboshi certification of three rank from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This certification is bestowed upon companies that exhibit excellence in their initiatives to empower female employees based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

The Eruboshi program consists of three levels of certification determined in accordance with scores in regard to five evaluation criteria: hiring, ongoing employment, workhours and other workstyle elements, ratio of women in management positions, and availability of diverse career paths.

Fuji Electric received the highest rank of certification by fulfilling the requirements in all five of these categories.


Fuji Electric has been included in the FY2021 Nadeshiko Brands as the semi-Nadeshiko brand

Arranged jointly by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Nadeshiko Brand program recognizes listed companies that display excellence in empowering their female employees. Fuji Electric has been chosen for inclusion in FY2021 the semi-Nadeshiko brand out of approximately 3,700 applicable listed companies. It is the fifth time after four consective yearsf of inclusion in the Nadeshiko Brands from FY 2015 to 2018.

The Nadeshiko Brand is designed to introduce and promote investment in companies that will be appealing to investors concerned with medium-to-long-term improvements in corporate value. Companies are evaluated based on seven evaluation criteria: management strategy integration, promotion system development, governance, companywide environment and rules, manager behavior and awareness reforms, employee behavior and awareness reforms, and information disclosure.

Nadeshiko Brand logo
Nadeshiko Brand logo

“Kurumin” Certification

Fuji Electric has acquired “Kurumin” certification.

“Kurumin” is a program through which the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare bestows certification on companies that offer superb support for employees engaged in child-rearing.

Certification can only be received by those companies that have established general business operator voluntary action plans based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, that have fulfilled the targets contained therein, and that have met defined standards.

Fuji Electric is advancing initiatives to establish a comfortable workplace environment that enables employees to fully exercise their talents while balancing their work with child-rearing.

The Kurumin Next-Generation
Authorization Mark

METI Selects Fuji Electric for the “Diversity Management Selection 100”

In fiscal 2012, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) established its “Diversity Management Selection 100” project, which recognizes firms that have achieved results in improving productivity by utilizing a diverse workforce and creating innovation. Fuji Electric was one of the companies selected in the initial year of the program.

In addition to its efforts to promote the advancement of female personnel, in fiscal 2000 Fuji Electric introduced a selective system of extended employment for older personnel, and today many of these employees play a central role in passing on important technical skills and knowledge. We are also working to enhance employment opportunities for people with disabilities, expanding the base of our special-purpose subsidiary and adding new kinds of work.

Diversity Management Selection 100
METI Selects Fuji Electric for the “Diversity Management Selection 100”

Tomonin Mark certification acquired

Fuji Electric received Tomonin Mark certification, meaning that it is recognized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company that promotes the development of workplace environments enabling employees to balance work and nursing care commitments. As Japan’s population ages, balancing work and nursing care will become a necessity for many employees. For this reason, we will continue making improvements to our work environment so employees can work with peace of mind.

Tomonin Mark