Fuji Electric Review
Vol.66-No.2 ,2020

Technical Achievement and Outlook in FY2019

Technical Achievement and Outlook in FY2019


In FY2019, Fuji Electric launched our new 5-year“ Reiwa Prosperity 2023” Medium-Term Management Plan, which will last until FY2023, the year of our 100th anniversary. Following this plan, Fuji Electric is promoting research and development that contributes to creating customer value and solving social issues on the basis of one of our management policies:“ Through our innovation in energy and environment technology, we contribute to the creation of a responsible and sustainable society.” This special issue is a compilation of the technical achievements of FY2019 and summarizes our outlook for the future. We hope that this special issue will serve as a reference for our readers.

Contributing to the Creation of a Responsible and Sustainable Society Centered on Power Electronics Systems and Power Semiconductors Businesses
To Create New Values and Solve Socio-Environmental Issues, Enhancing Digital Technologies as Well as Refining Real-World Technologies
Power Electronics Systems Energy
Power Electronics Systems Industry
Electronic Devices
Power Generation
Food Distribution
Fundamental and Advanced Technologies
Fe design
FUJI ELECTRIC REVIEW vol.66 no.2 2020 Detailed Contents