Programmable Controller PLC
Upgrading the MICREX-SX Series SPH Programming Support Tool

History of main version upgrades

View history

1. V3.1.2.3 (December 2022)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added a mode that does not print the temporary area created by the MF instructions in printing with cross-reference.

  • Added a mode that does not check duplication of temporary areas created by MF instructions.

  • Menus related to option language settings have been improved to display in English even in the Japanese version.

  • We have improved the function that allows selection of COM ports from COM1 to COM256 in the SPF/SPB system software utility.

  • Enabled to retrieve the tag and description of the local device by "Read from PLC" even if there is a POU with program protection set.

  • Improved so that the search window does not go out of the screen when the search window is started for POUs that occupy the screen with circuit comments with a large number of characters.

  • For a PLC connected to the loader via Ethernet, if you press "Reset" in the "Control Dialog" and restart the PLC, the PLC may not be connected, so it has been improved so that it can be connected.

  • Improved so that the lower part of the parameter wizard dialog can be seen on Windows 10.

  • Supported the monitor version upgrade installer.

  • Updated standard extension FB version. (V2.0.0.7)

  • Updated to FW version (V11) of SPF.

  • User's Manual Instructions and References have been updated.

[2] Problem correction
We have fixed the following problems

  • Fixed a bug that tags were not printed when circuit printing was performed immediately after opening a project.

  • If you convert a project that uses the standard extension FB (_MSMOVa) of V2.0.0.6 or earlier, transfer it to the PLC, make it a monitor, change the ladder circuit, etc., and execute "Transfer modified circuit to PLC", Fixed a bug that Standard was forcibly terminated.

  • Fixed the problem that an error was displayed and failed when transferring a project using the standard extension FB (_MSMOVa) of V2.0.0.6 or earlier to the PLC and executing "Verify with PLC" or "Read from PLC".

  • When importing a tag project of SPH3000MM/5000M, if the tag project linked to the program number and the POU name of the project do not match, and "Convert All" is performed, the conversion ends with the processing status remaining "Instance Mapping". Fixed a bug.

  • Fixed the problem that an error was displayed and the transfer failed when the project of SPH2000-256E was transferred to the PLC, the backup data was obtained with the SX control utility, and the backup (multi-CPU retain memory) was transferred to the PLC.

  • Fixed the problem that an undefined WEB communication board appeared when looking at the properties of the SPF front communication board in the system definition.

  • Fixed a bug that incorrect parameters could be set for synchronous bus and bus tact values on SPH5000M.

  • Fixed the problem that "No" is printed when the battery error detection is set to "Yes" in the SPF system definition and printing is performed.

  • Fixed the problem that the SX bus POD interface module was displayed as the SPF Web communication board in the failure diagnosis.

  • Fixed the bug that Standard displays an exception message and forcibly terminates when converting a project in which the PAGE instruction is defined at an abnormal position in the circuit.

  • In a project that uses a global address, enter a tag in the P-Link address of the contact/coil or word address on the LD editor, open the device editor, check the tag/description of the global address, close the device editor, Fixed a bug that standard was forcibly terminated when the tag was edited on the LD editor again.

2. V3.1.1.16 (April 2022)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Supported the NP1L-RU1H under the SP5000M.

  • In the Ethernet module (NP1L-ET1 V50 or later required), added a function to allow communication only with IP addresses set by the user.

  • Added a function to display section number.

  • Improved the device editor to allow changing the width of the “Initial Value”.

  • Improved the LD editor to leave an explanation when a tag name is changed.

  • Improved print preview to allow specifying more than 1000 pages.

  • Improved the “Go to Section” function so that section numbers up to 99999 can be jumped.

  • Improved so that the SX Control Utility can refer to the system memory in the event of a CPU fatal failure.
    Applicable model : SPH5000M, SPH3000MM

[2] Problem correction
We have fixed the following problems

  • A project the whose name contains “,” cannot be opened by double click.

  • The operation of the I/O module on the SX bus becomes unstable if you clear the program and system definition, and then read the project from the PLC without resetting it (SPH2000, SPH3000, SPH5000, SPM series).

  • The Standard may be forcefully terminated when you import array structures, FBs, or functions, etc.

  • In a multi-CPU configuration of SPH2000-256E, 160kW or later of the multi-CPU retain memory in another CPU cannot be read or written properly.

  • The Standard is forcefully terminated when reading an invalid project by “Load from PLC”.

  • The SX Control Utility cannot restore the CPU common non-retain/retain memory.

  • “NP8SX-143 (FTU size I/O)” cannot be defined on the T-Link I/F module (NP1L-RT1) base board.

  • The comparison detection output does not work when using the internal preset command in the standard extension FB (_MHCNT,MHCNTa).

  • When the phase-Z is detected in 16-bit ring counter mode of the standard expansion FB (_MHCNT,MHCNTa), the counter outputs a 32-bit value.

3. V3.1.0.13 (October 2020)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Improved so that the background color of the graph and the color of the grid lines can be set in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that the cursor on the graph can be moved by dragging in the sampling trace.
    Also, the distance between cursors can be displayed in milliseconds.

  • Improved so that it can be sampled continuously in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that the trigger point can be set by button operation in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that the sample target address and tag are displayed at the same time in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that the timing to read the trace data can be specified in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that XY devices can be added directly to the sample target in the sampling trace.

  • Improved so that the instruction manual can be opened from the help on the toolbar.

  • Improved so that the default value of the display magnification of LD editor and ST editor can be specified.

  • Improved so that the tag rows setting at the time of printing can be linked with the tag rows setting in the display menu.

  • Added the function to delete unused circuit comments.

  • Improved to retain the display magnification synchronization setting.

  • Improved so that it can be connected to the simulator and TELLUS.

  • Added SPF Web Communication Board Support Tool Web_IF Designer.

[2] Support for new modules
Support added for the SPH5000M series CPU and base board.

[3] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem that the internal current consumption value of the system definition does not match the manual.

  • Correct the problem that WDT is up due to an error in optimized compilation.

  • Correct the problem that caused a heavy failure when downloading the project after converting the MICREX-F program.

  • Correct the problem that the standard extended FB (_C_modm) receives due to an error in an unsupported function.

  • Correct the problem that parameter error 2 occurs in standard extended FB (_MHCNT, MHCNTa).

4. V3.0.20.24 (April 2020)


  • Improvement of function

  • The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • In the POU print function, added a function to print in order of POU number.

  • In sampling trace, added a menu corresponding to the button on the toolbar.

  • In sampling trace, added a function to reset the display position of the displayed waveform.

  • The compilation of SPH3000 was sped up. (PC multi-core support)

  • Improved so that devices can be registered to the sampling trace from the device editor.

  • Improved so that tag language confirmation message is not displayed when reading from PLC.

  • Added MODBUS slave FB for SPF.

[2] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem that the usage status display of the SPH3000MM's retained memory (extended) did not work properly in the device editor.

  • Correct the problem that Standard would freeze when trying to print a project.

  • Correct the problem that other than 0 bit cannot be forcibly released in data monitor.

  • Correct the problem that projects with FB parameters selected were printed without FB parameters.

  • Correct the problem that the tag of the work device (F) of a specific user FB was not read correctly when reading a tag project from SD.

5. V3.0.19.7 (March 2019)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • In I/O forced setting, improved to make word / double word available.

  • Expand to The allowable number of data monitors from 4 to 20.

  • Improved to switch between Japanese mode / English mode with TAG.

  • In the device editor, added a function to clear tags, explanations and initial values of unused devices.

  • In the device editor, added the printing function of the device list information and the device usage status map.

  • In the search / replace dialog, added tool tip display function as a tool input support for the device.

  • Improved to make search so that even addresses of elements of array and indirect use of members of structure.

  • In double writing check, added a function to detect overlapping of bit and word.

[2] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem that capsule under T link master can not be "No equipment".

  • Correct the problem that PROFIBUS-DP address would result in conversion error.

  • Correct the problem in which inconsistent parts do not display properly in circuit printing of verification result when cross reference of in-circuit format is enabled in print detailed setting.

  • Correct the problem that the verify error occurs even if there is no difference in the content of POU in project verification.

  • Correct the problem that 8 bits or more of the SM area can not be correctly read in the optimized compile mode.

6. V3.0.18.14 (August 2018)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added mode to move attached tags to replacement address when replacing addresses.

  • Added a function to delete all tags, description, initial values in the device editor.

  • Improved to be able to switch display of address and tag in ST editor.

  • Improved to be able to switch print of address and tag in ST program.

  • Improved to print the programs in the same order as display of project tree..

  • Added a function to save the contents of the comparison result list display window to a text file.

  • Improved to display "description" text of each device on data monitor.

  • Changed "No equipment" display mark.

[2] Problem correction

  • In M/F program convert, correct the problem that the index was not correctly converted.

  • Correct the problem that all conversion did not end in optimized compile mode.

  • Correct the problem that dialog of system definition parameter wizard did not correctly display on Windows 10.

  • Correct the problem that bit transfer instruction does not operate correctly on simulation.

  • Correct the problem that the tag · description disappears when opening the V2 project and changing the model to SPH 3000D.

7. V3.0.17.15 (January 2018)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the timer instruction of 10ms/100ms unit for SPH3000.

  • In finding, improve to save the setting of finding scope for target.

  • In case of the instruction for which more than one data area is used like BMOVE, improve to reflect the all device area which instruction is being used on the device used map in the device editor.

  • In filter of the bookmark function, add the mode to make the circuit with the bookmark hidden.

  • Improve the operation of deleting the device connected to the input/output pin of the user FB/ system FB.

  • Improve to download the ZIP file during PLC running.

  • Add the option which makes the "F1 help" in the ladder/ST worksheet hidden.

[2] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem which can't save the sampling trace data, when the target variable is added (deleted) during sampling trace execution.

  • Correct the problem which can't import the tag project made in Standard V2.

  • In M/F block diagram conversion, correct the problem that the temporary address for circuit connections isn't generated right.

  • In SPF and SPE, correct the problem that device address of built-in I/O isn't display in device editor.

8. V3.0.16.22 (July 2017)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • In printing, improve to change the printing position and content of header / footer.

  • In printing, improve to save the detail setting of printing item.

  • In the program import, added the mode to import without the circuit comments. And, improve to import with the setting of local device.

  • In the program convert, improve to display the use word size of the user FB and system FB in result window.

  • Added the option which minimizes the project file size when saving the project.

  • Expand the number of characters of 1 line of the circuit comment to 100 characters from 80 characters.

  • Added the motion function blocks for SPH3000D.

[2] Problem correction

  • In ladder printing, correct the problem that the FB name isn't printed 2 lines when setting the tag number of lines in 2 lines.

  • In SPH3000D, correct the problem that the timer current value does not change form [0].

  • In SPH3000MM and SPH3000D, correct the problem that the error occur when download to simulator.

9. V3.0.15.17 (January 2017)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Add the function which protects data memory to the "Read-only" attribute in SPH3000MM.

  • Reduce processing time of "Load the changed program into PLC".

  • Added compatible with Windows 8.1 and Windows10.

[2] Problem correction

  • In ladder print with cross reference, correct the problem that OR connecting line is printed out lengthily.

  • In printing, correct the problem that the location of the header isn't changed even if the size of the margin is changed in the page setup.

  • In printing, correct the problem that the long project name overlaps the program name.

  • In M/F program convert, correct the problem that the circuit of "10 contacts + MCS" is converted to "9 contacts + MC", and the 10th contact is deleted.

  • In the function of export tag form the project of SPH3000MM, correct the problem which the error occurs when only the file name is specified without the folder name.

  • The problem that PC will be in the blue screen state during USB communication was corrected.
    (When this problem occurs, please upgrade the USB communication driver.)

10. V3.0.14.8 (June 2016)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Add the instruction of built-in Ethernet communication of SPH2000/3000
     (FTP client communication, SNTP client communication and mail transmission).

  • Reduce processing time of "Load the changed program into PLC".

[2] Problem correction

  • In the file saving function of the diagnosis, correct the problem that detail RAS information of the Ethernet of SPH2000 isn't saved.

  • In English mode of Japanese OS, correct the problem that "cross reference information" and "tag/address" are printed in the character redundant state.

  • In English mode, correct the problem which the error of “The project data read from PLC is not correct.” occurs on uploading program from PLC.

  • In the program of MC/MCR, correct the problem that more than one nesting can't reset all by MCR

11. V3.0.13.11 (December 2015)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • In the program import function, improve to select the project of both V2/V3 from the same windows.

  • In the program editor, Improve as the Japanese input mode of tag input screen maintains the last input mode.

  • In the system definition, add the function which sets tact time of the bus tact check result automatically.

  • In the FUJILOG utility, improve to select communication port even COM1-256.

[2] Problem correction

  • In the ladder program print with cross reference, correct the problem that the local device isn't printed right.

  • In the export device information, correct the problem that the address of the FLEX-PC mode isn't output right.

  • In the On-line program change of SPH3000, correct the problem that program of the user FB in the loop processing doesn't execute right.

  • In the ST editor, correct the problem that "REAL#0.0" will be conversion error.

12. V3.0.12.8 (June 2015)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Improve to set the indication magnification of all program at the same time by one operation.

  • In the device editor, Improve to scroll by the "previous page" and the "next page" button.

  • Change the symbol of "B contact" so that it may be easy to distinguish from the symbol of "A contact".

  • Reduce conversion time of the optimization compilation mode of SPH3000 series.

  • Reduce print time of the ladder circuit with the cross reference information.

  • Improve so that standard expansion FB may be also installed at the same time.

[2] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem by which standard expansion FB isn't normally imported automatically, when uploading the program including standard expansion FB.

13. V3.0.11.8 (November 2014)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Improve to display the disagreement part per symbol in the verify result window.

  • In the cross reference window, add the filter mode of which is display the local device for the use condition of the selected program sheet.

  • In the cross reference printing, improve to print the local device only for the use condition of self-program.

  • In the import FB, improve to be able to import without including the inside FB.

  • Add the function which computes the tact cycle of SX bus or E-SX bus with system configuration.

  • In the system definition, when you insert module, add the mode which selects the last time inserted module automatically.

  • In the SECTION instruction, extend the maximum of the section number to 65535 -> 99999.

  • About the conversion error message of the memory over, improve to display the number and size which are exceeded.

[2] Problem correction

  • Correct the problem which an error sometimes occurs during communication by USB connection. Update the MICREX-SX USB communication driver as this measure.

  • Correct the problem on which the "DC110 Input 8points" module is displayed as "???" in the failure diagnosis window.

14. V3.0.10.19 (June 2014)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the automatic save function of the project.

  • Added the monochrome printing function.

  • Improve it to print only the selected circuit in the program verify result window.

  • Improve it to divide two or more same program sheets, and to display them.

  • Improve it to search and replace in the selected circuit range.

  • Improve it to monitor local device in the data monitoring window.

  • Improve the double writing check function of the program check.

  • Improve to install the USB communication driver from the program menu.

15. V3.0.9.10 (February 2014)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the program division function.

  • Improved it automatically to update the device use list after converting the program.

  • Improve the verify result display window of the program individually to scroll.

  • Improve it to print only the circuit to which the filter is displayed by the bookmark.

  • Improve it to start the project file by the double-clicking operation.

  • Improve it to execute the task execution time measurement from the control dialog.

  • The convert of the MICREX-F programT are added, and have been improved.

[2] Windows 8 compatibility
Added compatible with Windows 8.
< NOTE >
For using on Windows 8, the installation of Microsoft [.NET Framework 3.5] is required.
Download [.NET Framework 3.5] from Microsoft's website shown below and install it.

16. V3.0.8.25 (November 2013)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the program check function (checking for duplication of the coil, etc).

  • Improved it automatically to change to the monitor mode after downloading the program to PLC.

  • In the find function with tag, improved it to find the partial character of tag by the "*" mark specification.

  • Improved it to display the filter with tag in the cross reference function.

  • In the device find and the instruction find function, the history of the find result can have been left in the find result window.

  • Improved to open the device editor by the shortcut key and the right-clicking menu.

  • Improved to customize the character font and the size when the program is printed.

  • Added the mode which prints the circuit number and cross reference information based on the section instruction.

  • The convert of the MICREX-F program have been improved.

17. V3.0.7.23 (May 2013)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the mode which was able to edit the program while monitoring.

  • In the function of the project file short cut with the communication setting, added the function of automatic program reading from PLC.

  • When read the program from PLC, the Zip project in the PC can have been read at the same time.

  • Added the batch global replace function for all project.

  • The device display in the ladder circuit can have been displayed by switching "Tag" and "Description".

  • The convert of the MICREX-F program have been improved.

  • The convert of the FLEX-PC program have been improved.

[2] Support for new modules
Support added for the SPH3000 CPU modules 128K steps.

18. V3.0.6.27 (December 2012)

[1] Problem correction
In the convert of the MICREX-F program, the following functions have been improved.

  • The verify error occurs when verifying program to PLC after DT_MF instruction is downloaded to PLC.

  • The function module are converted into user FB, the parameter area of user FB is not correctly set.

  • The DIV_R_32_BCD instruction does not operate correctly, when it is carry up.

  • When user FB memory used by timer/counter instruction for MF is not secured for 11072 words, the conversion error does not occur.

19. V3.0.5.24 (October 2012)

[1] Improvement of function
In the convert of the MICREX-F program, the following problems have been corrected.

  • The file instruction and the index instruction are converted automatically.

  • The BCD operation, the timer, and the counter, etc. are converted into the instruction compatible with the MICREX-F instruction automatically.

  • The function module are converted into user FB automatically.

  • The message communication and the block chart are converted automatically.
    Target CPU of the convert is SPH2000/SPH3000 series.
    Please use the correspondence firmware version (SPH2000:V13 or more and SPH3000:V04 or more).

20. V3.0.5.20 (April 2012)

[1] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Improved the print format of the ladder program with the cross reference.

  • In the print of the ladder program, added the function to print by the partial circuit specification.

  • Added the find function to jump the section instruction.

  • In the device find, added the function to display the find result listing. It is possible to jump to the circuit position which corresponds by double-clicking this list.

  • In the convert of the MICREX-F program, improved to convert into the bit operation instruction which operates by the same bit row as MICREX-F.

21. V3.0.4.10 (November 2011)

[1] Windows 7 compatibility
Added compatible with Windows 7 (64bits).

[2] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the function of convert only the changed program. The conversion time has been shortened.

  • In SPH3000MM, the capacity of the ZIP file which can be stored in CPU has been enhanced from 64KW to 320KW.

  • In the convert of the MICREX-F program, improved to convert the program and tag at the same time.
    And, added the function of save the convert result in the file.

22. V3.0.3.34 (August 2011)

[1] Support for new modules
Support added for the SPH3000 CPU modules SPH3000, SPH3000MM and E-SX bus I/O unit.

[2] Improvement of function
The following functions are added, and have been improved.

  • Added the function of the project file short cut with the communication setting.
    The communication setting operation after the project had been opened became unnecessary.

  • In the failure diagnosis, the display of composition/error flag information on the P/PE link module was changed to the table form.

  • Added the function to display user FB name by two or more lines when all user FB names were not displayed in one line.

  • In the ladder editor, the line insertion, the line deletion, the row insertion, and the row deletion were added to the right-clicking menu.

[3] Windows 7 compatibility
Added compatible with Windows 7 (32bits).

[4] Problem correction
In the ladder editor, the following problems have been corrected.

  • when you do copy & paste the circuit which outputs two differentiation coils with the OR connection by the line selection type, this instruction does not operate normally because the instance number overlaps.

  • The instruction [MOVE 0 DL0] cannot be inserted.

23. V3.0.2.6 (August 2010)

[1] Supports SPH2000 redundant CPU module (NP1PM-256H)
Support for redundant CPU module of SPH2000 series (NP1PM-256H)

24. V3.0.1.5 (April 2010)

[1] Improved upgrading
Improved the upgrading to addition install the V3 system without deleting the V2 system, when you upgrade from Standard V2.

[2] Problem correction of V3.0.0.160.
The following problems were corrected.

  • In the ladder editor, when you copy & paste the unit of the differentiation contact and the differentiation coil, This instruction does not operate normally because the instance number overlaps.

  • In the monitor, the monitor value of the contact of global timer might be different from operation.

  • In the uploading from PLC, timer device [T] might be changed to standard memory device [M].

  • In the convert of the MICREX-F program, the timer number of the timer instruction (0.1s time base) is not correctly converted.

  • In the simulation, when the TBIT/SBIT/SHL/SHR/DT is used with 32 bit data, it does not operate correctly.

  • In the simulation, when the program of the event task is executed, the simulator might be downed.

25. V3.0.0.160 (September 2009)

[1] Revolutionary improvements in operating methods

  • Intuitive operation for simple operation without being dependent on manuals

  • Many instruction input methods

  • Simplified programming with keyboard operations

  • Consolidated PLC operation with panels and buttons

[2] Improved engineering efficiency

  • Complete search functions (global searches, cross-references, and circuit filters)

  • Device Editor with operating status displays

  • Detailed displays of comparison results

[3] Runs on Windows Vista
V3.0.0.160 runs on the Windows Vista operating system.

26. V2.3.5.1 (May 2008)

[1] Expansion of SPH2000-compliant functions.
Added support for the SPH2000 CSV interface function block, general-purpose communications settings by users, and parallel interface connection with a Programmable Operation Display (POD).

[2] Added support for @E.Integrator.

[3] Improved Conversion Error Log for MICREX-F series PLC.
Added a function to display the circuit number for the conversion source program to the error log of the MICREX-F program conversion function for file loading.

[4] Problem correction of V2.3.5.0.
When the system definition is up-loaded from NP1PM-48CR(@E.Terminal), the I/O group setting of the built-in application is cleared. This problem was corrected.

27. V2.3.4.0 (November 2007)

[1] Enabled to install Standard exclusively designed for a monitor.

[2] Expansion of SPH200-compliant function
Adding the function that enables to select latency mode to check configuration from "configuration correspondence/set time" in the SPH200 system properties.

[3] Improved conversion function with MICREX-F series PLC
Improved with "tag text file reading" function so that an address is allocated simultaneously with the address bit inversion setting when converting MICREX-F program.

28. V2.3.3.0 (August 2007)

[1] Addition of SX control utility
"SX control utility" has been added in "Auxiliary function" menu.

[2] Expansion of board controller-compliant function

  • A function enabling a user to select rising-edge or falling-edge in the logic system of the signal to the high-speed input connector has been added to the board controller's CPU parameters.

  • A function to externally set a link station address has been added to the simplified CPU link function of the board controller's CPU parameter.

  • The day of the week data and the calendar write request have been added to the board controller's calendar information.

[3] Improved failure diagnostic function
A "Failure analysis" function to automatically analyze and display the failed state has been added to the SPH300 failure diagnostic function.
* To use the "Failure analysis" function, the installation of Microsoft [.NET Framework 2.0] is required.
Please see Item [6. Upgrading procedure].

29. V2.3.2.0 (May 2007)

[1] Add system definition functions
Add such functions as the naming change of power supply and base board, gateway setting of Ethernet module, and the naming change of battery error detection.

[2] Expansion of password functions
The password length used for program protection has been extended from 8 characters to 20 characters.

[3] Uploading Ethernet setting
An upload function of Ethernet setting file that had been downloaded to module has been installed.

[4] Registration of always ON/OFF NO/NC contact
Add "Always ON normally open contact", "Always OFF normally closed contact", "Always ON normally closed contact", and "Always OFF normally closed contact. to the contact barrette in edit mode.

[5] Specifying address/tag color of local devices
Add the color specifying function to addresses and tags to the device allocated to a local device.

[6] Storing the dialog box display position
Add the function to maintain the position where the dialog box displayed in the editor while the programming support tool is running.

[7] Section number search function (Direct jump)
The section number search function has been added to [Search] in the menu.

[8] Improved print setting
Add the device cross-reference I/O batch registration function and number of pages by section in print function.

[9] Restriction of initial startup
Add the function of disabling Initial starting operation at PLC startup

[10] Improvement of conversion function with MICREX-F series PLC
Cut and paste function from MICREX-F series PLC Programmer has been improved.

30. V2.3.1.0 (November 2006)

[1] Improvement of changed circuit PLC transfer function
Changed circuits can be transferred to PLC even if insertion, import, or pasting has been made to programs.

[2] Board controller support ― optional card

31. V2.3.0.0 (October 2006)

[1] System configuration upgrade
A function was added to restore system configuration information (Module name) during online connection.

[2] Output of data text file
A function was added to output data files (stored by save function) that are stored in resource folder to a user specified arbitrary folder, in comma-separated text file format (CSV).

[3] Improvement in model-to-model cut and paste function
Cut and paste function from MICREX-F series PLC was improved.

[4] Tag support for section instruction
A function to set comments (tags) to section instruction was added.

[5] Outputs/reads initial values to/from text file
A function to output the device's initial value set by the initial value setting list function in text file format (CSV) and a function to read the outputted text file were added.

[6] Input switching on initial value setting list
Input method switching function (decimal number input/hexadecimal number input) was added to the initial value setting list function.

[7] Improved printing with device cross-reference
Simultaneous tag printing function was added in printing with device cross-reference.

[8] Text format output of device cross-reference information
A function was added to output device cross-reference information in comma-separated text file format (CSV).

[9] Problem correction
A problem that online connection or global memory monitor did not work properly if SPH300 (NP1PS-245R) was used in multi-CPU configuration was corrected.

32. V2.2.4.0 (August 2006)

[1] Servo Systems FALDIC ALPHA5 support

[2] V2.2.3.0 Problem correction
SPH2000(NP1PM-48E/NP1PM-256E) did not allow correct access of FTP. This problem was corrected

33. V2.2.3.0 (May 2006)

[1] Import of arrangement and structure definitions
A function was added to import arrangement and structure definition data from other projects.

[2] Expansion of password functions
A function was added to set restrictions on PLC on-line operation.
By using this function and setting a password for access authentication, PLC operation can be restricted on three levels (i.e., level 1, level 2, and level 3).
The function can also be set restrictions for each access level.

34. V2.2.2.2 (March 2006)

[1] Problem correction
Certain slave module configurations did not allow correct access to IO memory when using a remote IO master module in Standard mode. This problem was corrected.

35. V2.2.2.1 (January 2006)

[1] Improvement in model-to-model cut and paste function
Improve the model-to-model cut and paste function for the MICREX-F and FLEX-PC series.

[2] Instructions added
Master control and model conversion instructions were added.

[3] Global counter/Integrating timer
A counter and an integrating timer were added, which are globally accessible from all POUs.

[4] Forced setup through ladder editor
A function was added to make forced settings through the ladder editor.

[5] SPH300 firmware support

  • I/O area expansion function (V**64)

  • System fail-soft startup time minimization function (V**65)

  • Continuous operation under forced settings (V**65)

36. V2.2.1.0 (November 2005)

[1] Support for arrangements and structures
Support was added for arrangements and structures using ladder language and ST language.

[2] System definition guidance function added
The addition of a guidance function simplifies operation.

[3] Improved cut-and-paste guidance between MICREX-F types
Performance was improved by converting the MICREX-F program immediately upon being opened.

[4] Board controller support
Support for board controllers was added.

37. V2.2.0.0 (August 2005)

[1] Global timer
A timer device was achieved that can be globally accessed from all POUs.

[2] Instruction search
A search function was added for instructions for all POUs or for user function blocks and user functions.

[3] Improved device usage status
Performance was improved by displaying single and double word usage status when the bit device usage status is displayed by the device usage status function for auxiliary functions.

[4] Improved ladder printing with cross-referencing
Printing efficiency was improved for cross-reference information comprised of POU types, POU numbers, and circuit numbers

[5] Improved cut and paste between types
Support was added for thirteen previously unsupported instructions when pasting programs for the MICREX-F PLC Programmer to Standard using the clipboard.

[6] System definition: Enhanced non-mounted operation
Mounted and non-mounted modules can be switched with just one click.

[7] SPH 2000 support
Support was added for the new-series CPU module SPH2000.

38. V2.1.1.0 (June 2005)

[1] Unrestricted setting of addresses for FB parameters
Parameter numbers are no longer automatically allocated in setting parameters for user function blocks and user functions. The user can now make the settings using the desired numbers.

[2] Ladder information output for POD monitoring
Functions were added to output data to files for performing ladder monitoring using the POD.

[3] Output of device data for SX communications middleware
A function was added to the "device data output" function for "auxiliary" to output data for SX communications middleware (NP4N-MDLW).

[4] ST language support for debugging: Break points and step-by-step execution
Functions for setting break points and for step-by-step execution were added to the ST language screen.

[5] Improved ST editing
Functions were added to search for and display set tags and to search for and input addresses by inputting tags in ST language programs.

[6] Improved zoom
A function was added to automatically calculate and save the display magnification as opposed to fixing the initial magnification at 100% when a window is opened (e.g., to open a file or create a new file).

[7] Maintaining the dialog box display position
A function was added to maintain the display position when the dialog box for inputting addresses or the dialog box for inputting parameters is opened in the ladder language editor.

[8] Improved cut and paste between MICREX-F series
Changes were made so that when cutting and pasting from a MICREX-F program, the file instruction is pasted after being converted to the user function block call instruction format (i.e., USERFB).

39. V2.1.0.1 (March 2005)

[1] Function block diagram expression added
A function was added to express the function block caller in the FBD (block) format.

[2] Functions added to display and set parameter names on the parameter setting screen
Functions were added to display parameter names and enable the user to set desired names on the parameter setting screen.
[3] Enhanced editing
Enhancements were added to return circuits, guidance input dialogs, parameter input dialogs, and switching between schematic and collapsible displays for the function block caller.

[4] Revisions to default common tab items for the instruction pallet
Items set on installation using the common tab for the (default setting) instruction pallet were changed.

[5] Changing data
A function was added to change data from the ladder screen.

[6] SPB: SX mode support
SX mode support was added for programming with compact SPB-series PLCs.

[7] Offline fault diagnosis
Fault diagnosis can be used even when a project is open online.

[8] More than ten RS-232C port numbers supported
The RS-232C port numbers were increased from 1 to 256.

[9] ST language support
Support for ST language programming was added.

[10] Maximum processor link module configuration expanded
The maximum number of processor link modules (e.g., P-link, FL-net) for expansion was increased to eight.

[11] Start-up without CPU 0 supported
A setting has been added to the system operation definition settings in the system definition to start the system without CPU 0.

[12] System fail-soft maintenance prohibit operation and fault status indicator mask supported
An expansion setting was added to the system fail-soft start-up operation definitions in the system properties.