Ensuring Product Safety

Basic Policy on Product Safety

Fuji Electric is aware that providing customers with products that are safe and reliable is one of a corporation's social responsibilities. Based on this recognition, we formulated the Voluntary Action Plan for Product Safety in 2008 and strive to ensure product safety while actively raising the awareness of employees.

Voluntary Action Plan for Product Safety

Formulated in 2008
Revised in 2022

Basic Policy concerning Product Safety

Fuji Electric is guided by its Code of Conduct, which in part states that the Company will provide superior products and services that are not only safe, but deliver significant benefits to society. In this manner, Fuji Electric will both satisfy its customers while earning their confidence and trust.
Recognizing that the delivery of safety and security to customers is one of several ways to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, Fuji Electric drew up its Voluntary Action Plan for Product Safety and is working diligently to secure the safety of all of its products.

  1. 1.

    Comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements

    1. 1.

      Comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements, safety standards, and voluntary criteria with respect to product safety in Japan and overseas

    2. 2.

      Implement education and training to ensure that all employees are well versed in all statutory and regulatory requirements, safety standards, and voluntary criteria with respect to product safety in Japan and overseas

  2. 2.

    Establish a quality assurance system to ensure product safety

    1. 1.

      Put in place and continuously enhance an appropriate quality assurance system that ensures safety across the entire product lifecycle from planning through to disposal

  3. 3.

    Bring to fruition product safety design

    1. 1.

      Focus on “in-built safety” from the development and design phase; uncover and assess any and all product-related risks from every possible aspect throughout the entire product lifecycle; bring to fruition intrinsic product safety design

    2. 2.

      Draw attention to all essential precautionary matters through wide-ranging media including product instruction and operating manuals; work to prevent any and all product accidents to ensure the safe use of products

  4. 4.

    Address any and all product incidents

    1. 1.

      Put in place a system that is capable of collecting information regarding product incidents in a timely manner

    2. 2.

      Report promptly to all appropriate government authorities in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements details of major product incidents and disclose all relevant information to customers

    3. 3.

      Recall all relevant products in the event of a major incident when deemed necessary to prevent any possibility of further harm and undertake all appropriate repairs and countermeasures

    4. 4.

      Identify the causes of all incidents and implement measures to prevent any recurrence

  5. 5.

    Maintain and enhance product safety

    1. 1.

      Establish and continuously promote a corporate culture that places the utmost emphasis on product safety by developing product safety mechanisms, implementing product incident countermeasures, conducting regular monitoring through internal audits and other initiatives, and consistently taking steps to improve the effectiveness of product safety activities

Response System and Procedures for Poor Quality

Fuji Electric has established rules and a system for quick response in the event that quality issues arise. Our response in such instances is based on our taking the customer's perspective.

For example, in the unlikely event of a serious accident occurring, under the rules, the president of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and all the relevant parties are quickly notified. Subsequently, the Quality Assurance Coordinator takes charge, and the cause is sought, countermeasures are implemented and measures to prevent recurrence are taken.

Also, Fuji Electric has established Basic Recall Response Rules, which would come into effect to provide a speedy, accurate and effective response when a product defect seemed likely to have a wide-ranging effect, to prevent any damage from becoming widespread.

Initiatives for Product Safety

Implementation of Product Safety-related Courses

Fuji Electric actively works to raise employee awareness based on the Voluntary Action Plan for Product Safety. We plan and implement a product safety training program for employees, including the Product Safety Basic Course and a course on the basis and application of system safety. To be able to provide to customers machinery facilities or system designs that have been constructed under a safe system, we encourage employees to take Safety Assessor qualifications, formal qualifications in safe product design and technology.

Diagnosis and Assessment using Product Safety Evaluation Sheets

To verify the status of efforts made in accordance with the Voluntary Action Plan, we implement DR-oriented diagnosis and evaluation at each base using a Product Safety Evaluation Sheet divided into four categories: compliance, quality assurance system, product safety design, and product accident response. We maintain and enhance a corporate culture of ensured product safety.