Policy concerning Local Community Contribution Activities

To further deepen its relationship of trust with society, Fuji Electric uses the human resources and technology it has nurtured through its business activities and works to ensure that as many of its employees as possible take on initiatives in communities around the world, with a basic policy of actions that contribute to solutions to the issues those communities face.

Basic Policy Concerning Local Community Contribution Activities

  1. 1.

    Meet the expectations of each era and region using the human resources and technologies nurtured through the Company's business activities

  2. 2.

    As a basic principle, engage in activities in areas where the Company maintains business operations

  3. 3.

    Coordinate efforts on a global scale to ensure the largest possible number of employees participate in the Company's local community contribution activities

Local Community Contribution Activity Priority Fields

  1. 1.

    Promoting youth development

    • Conducting science classes

    • Implementing training for teachers from the corporate sector

    • Organizing opportunities to gain first-hand workplace experience and factory tours

    • Career education

    • Education support

  2. 2.

    Protecting the natural environment

    • Preserving forests

    • Preserving marine and rivers

    • Biodiversity conservation

    • Restoring rural woodlands

  3. 3.

    Communicating with local communities

    • Contributing to social welfare activities

    • Promoting sports

    • Hosting and sponsoring festivals and events

    • Donations

    • Engaging in local community clean-up activities

  4. 4.

    Supporting Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Efforts

    • Natural Disaster Recovery Support

Local Community Contribution Activity Expenditure

Fiscal 2023 local community contribution activity expenditure was 370 million yen in total, including below.

A Breakdown of Local Community Contribution
Activity Expenditure by Field (Fiscal 2023)
A Breakdown of Local Community Contribution Activity Expenditure by Field (Fiscal 2022)