Reducing Waste in Business Activities

In accordance with our Basic Environmental Protection Policy and Environmental Vision 2050, at Fuji Electric we are working to realize a recycling-oriented society. As the world shifts toward a circular economy, in June 2024 we made revisions to our Environmental Vision 2050 and amended our Fiscal 2030 Goals*. Going forward, we intend to transition away from the 3Rs of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” and, instead, focus our efforts on the realization of a circular economy. To this end, we are working to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill.

*Fiscal 2030 Goal:

to reduce the proportion of waste sent to landfill (including waste plastic) to less than 0.5%

Reducing Waste in Business Activities

We are working to reduce the total amount of waste generated during the production process by making products smaller and lighter, and by taking measures to reduce defects at the manufacturing stage. By recycling the waste we generate, we also aim to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill. As an indicator of the effectiveness of our activities, we set annual targets for our final disposal rate (amount of landfill waste/total amount of waste) and strive to improve our performance.

In Japan, we have maintained a final disposal rate of around 0.1% since fiscal 2021, and succeeded in reducing this to 0.06% in fiscal 2023. Overseas, however, final disposal rates vary from country to country due to differences in how waste disposal companies operate. But thanks both to improvements in waste sorting and to the identification of new waste disposal companies, in fiscal 2023 we managed to significantly reduce our final disposal rate from 1.7% in fiscal 2022 to 0.6%. As a result, our company-wide final disposal rate for fiscal 2023 was 0.2%, meaning we succeeded in achieving our target value of less than 1.0% and a new company-wide final disposal rate target of less than 0.5%.

Amount of Industrial Waste
Amount of Industrial Waste
Landfill Amount and Ratio in Japan
Landfill Amount and Ratio in Japan
Landfill Amount and Ratio Overseas
Landfill Amount and Ratio Overseas
Composition of Waste Generated in FY2023
Composition of Waste Generated in FY2023
Composition of Waste Sent to Landfill in FY2022
Composition of Waste Sent to Landfill in FY2023