Message from the Environmental Officer

Takashi Obinata Executive Officer Corporate General Manager,Production & Procurement Group
Takashi Obinata
Executive Officer
Corporate General Manager,
Production & Procurement Group

Amid climate change in recent years, Japan is facing frequent torrential rains, and countries around the world are experiencing record-breaking heat and cold waves, causing grave impacts both on nature and on human society. In order to address these issues, it is necessary to accelerate not only decarbonization but also the transition to a circular economy and to a nature-positive way of life. To this end, the role that corporations play in solving environmental issues is becoming increasingly important.

We at Fuji Electric position the protection of the environment as a crucial management issue based on our Basic Policies on Environmental Protection, and in 2019, we enacted our Environmental Vision 2050, the main points of which are to aim for carbon neutrality and an environmental burden of zero from a long-term perspective. In March 2022, in line with the goal to keep the average world temperature increase below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, we revised our target of “reduce greenhouse gas emissions by FY2030” to “reduce by 46% or more compared to FY2019.” This target earned us SBT*1 status in December 2022.

In FY2022, we incorporated “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions during production” into our action plan as a target to achieve by FY2030, and we calculated the necessary investment and expenses and set about making it a reality. In conjunction with this, we conducted opportunity/risk analysis and publicized risk-relayed considerations for TCFD.

Our future challenge is to accomplish our goals of “Achieve a Recycling-Oriented Society” and “Achieve a Society that is in Harmony with Nature.” Against this backdrop, we aim to achieve zero emissions by 2050 and we are promoting the consideration of an FY2030 target from the new perspective of not imposing environmental burdens throughout the supply chain.

For the fourth consecutive year, the CDP*2 certified Fuji Electric as an “A List Company” with excellent climate change initiatives and information disclosure. We will continue to work to solve social and environmental issues through our decarbonization initiatives, taking advantage of the technologies we have cultivated to date in the energy and environment fields.


SBT: Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets set with a scientific basis in the aim of achieving the 1.5°C target.


CDP: An international environmental NGO engaged in environmental research, assessment, and disclosure.