Conforming to Management Methods for Controlling Pollution
Caused by Electronic Information Products (Chinese RoHS)

Information on poisonous and hazardous substances included in a product must be disclosed for electronic information
products manufactured and sold, or imported and sold in China. This law is called the Management Methods for
Controlling Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (hereinafter “Management Methods for Controlling
Pollution”) and it was enforced on March 1, 2007.

Electronic information products in scope: Products and devices in the 10
categories described below using electronic information technology

01. Electronic radar products
02. Electronic telecommunications products
03. Broadcast television products
04. Computer products
05. Household electronic products
06. Electronic measuring equipment
07. Products exclusively for use in electronic industry
08. Electronic element products
09. Electronic application products
10. Electronic materials

Refer to “Note for category of electronic information products” for details.

Substance in scope and limit amount

Poisonous and hazardous substances or element and limit amount
Lead (Pb) 1,000ppm
Mercury (Hg) 1,000ppm
Cadmium (Cd) 100ppm
Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) 1,000ppm
Polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) 1,000ppm
Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) 1,000ppm

Operating procedure

First step: Obligation of indication related to inclusion substances Second step: Non-inclusion of six substances and obligation of acquisition of compulsory certificate (CCC: China Compulsory Certificate) (Products in scope are to be publicized after August 2007)

Obligation of indication

1.Indication of contamination control mark

Whether poisonous and hazardous substances or elements are below or above the standard of the limit amount is indicated by specified marks.

Contamination control mark Meaning of marks Mark indication method

Green or outstanding color
Indicates that poisonous and hazardous substances or elements do not exist or are below the limit amount in the product. Indicated directly on the product or indicated in the instruction manual.

Orange or outstanding color

Indicates that poisonous and hazardous substances or elements exist above the limit amount in the product. The value at the center of the mark is the environmental protection expiry date symbol* (year) of the product.

Indicated directly on the product or indicated in the instruction manual.

* Environmental protection expiry date shows the date before which inclusion substances will not leak outside or mutate and the product will not cause serious contamination to the environment or cause serious damage to the human body or to property when used in normal conditions by a user. The above example indicates that the term is 10 years after production.

2.Included poisonous and hazardous substances and the element name, or when the product includes

poisonous and hazardous substances that exceed the indicated limit amount of the inclusion part, it is required to indicate the name of included substance in the instruction manual in addition to the contamination control mark. The indication example below shows that only lead is exceeding the limit amount in the product “ABC”

Material name
Poisonous and hazardous substances or element
Hexavalent chromium
Polybrominated biphenyl
○: Indicates that the inclusion amount of relevant poisonous and hazardous substances in all homogeneous materials of relevant materials are below the requirement of limited amount stipulated in SJ/T 11363-2006 standard.
×: Indicates that the inclusion amount of relevant poisonous and hazardous substances in certain homogeneous materials of relevant materials are above the requirement of limited amount stipulated in SJ/T 11363-2006 standard.

3.Indication of packing material name

Package recycle mark and package material name are indicated by a code on the packing box.
They are indicated in the instruction manual when the packing box is too small to display them.
Package recycle mark and package material code are according to GB18455-2001 standard.

Our handling

1.Products in scope

Products described in “Note for category of electronic information products” (the Japanese translated material is sold on the website of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association are in the scope. However, there is no obligation to indicate the contamination control mark for electronic information products that are procured to assemble electronic information products and systems. (Refer to abstract of indication requirement of the electronic industry standard described below.) Please ask our dealers or Sales Department for information of inclusion of poisonous and hazardous substances of products that are not indicated.

“Requirement of indication of electronic information products contamination control 4. General rules (abstract)”

Although sellers do not need to indicate the above indication (contamination control mark) on provided products for electronic information products procured to assemble a product, they are required to provide full information necessary for indication to buyers.

2. Conforming products (list of products can be viewed when clicked.)

PDF file of list of products conforming to Management Methods for Controlling Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (China RoHS)[0.2MB]

3. To order conforming product

Enter (CCC) at the end of the model and specification codes to order CCC acquired products.
Example: AR22F0R-11G(CCC)

Enter (CHN) at the end of the model and specification codes to order products outside the scope of CCC.
Example: HH52P AC100V(CHN)

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