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Topic 2/Creating a Pleasant Work Environment

Getting Employees To Consider What Work They Really Want To Do

Fuji Electric conducted its Work I Want To Do Survey of employees in May 2010. This questionnaire survey connected to human resource transfers was intended to get employees to consider the kind of work they actually want to do, and to bring them to an optimal stage in their development as motivated personnel. We distributed surveys to 14,281 employees, of whom 13,480 replied (94.4% response rate).

In addition to asking “Is your current job what you want to be doing?” we also asked, “Would you like to be transferred?” (13% replied in the affi rmative), “Would you like to work abroad?” (a bit more than 20% said they would) and other such questions.

Nurturing an Atmosphere that Encourages Facing Challenges Directly

Afterward, of the employees stating that they would like to transfer, interviews with the person in charge in the desired unit were arranged for those wishing to be interviewed (363).
As a result, 166 employees (28 overseas and 138 in Japan) were slated for transfer.

The main point of this effort was to give a strong message to employees that Fuji Electric is a company that encourages employees to throw off their fetters to challenge the work they want to do. This message promotes the taking up of workplace challenges without shying away.

Fuji Electric will continue to strive to create a workplace environment in which employees can reach their fullest potential, and nurture an atmosphere that encourages facing challenges directly.

Customer OpinionThe “Work I Want To Do Survey” Motivated Me to Take Up a Challenge

I had already managed business in Japan and China, and after participating in this survey it became possible for me to work in India beginning in April 2012. I am currently getting ready for my posting there, and am studying the Indian market and business strategies.

The Work I Want To Do Survey puts wind in the sails of people with ambition. Normally it is not easy to say that one wants to try another job. I myself have been employed at a workplace with a good atmosphere in which my superiors and colleagues have been very helpful, so I can’t say I didn’t feel at all reticent.

My future goal is to fulfill the role of an Asia business professional. I feel that by finding energy conservation demand in the growing Indian market and obtaining results I will be able to repay a debt of gratitude to Fuji Electric for providing this opportunity, and I will do my best to make that happen.

Akira Sugano
From the Power Electronics Group
Sales Headquarters
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

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