CSR Vision and Fiscal 2018 Targets

Fuji Electric first set forth a set of principal CSR issues in 2011, and has focused on these issues primarily through the main responsible departments. For each of the principal issues, indices have been established to measure progress and midterm goals set for fiscal three years, enabling us to verify the status of our efforts on an annual basis.

    Recognizing that having all employees act in a manner reflecting an awareness of CSR would play an important role in our ability to reach these goals, we mounted activities to entrench CSR management at Fuji Electric.

CSR Vision, Principal Issues and Fiscal 2018 Targets

Priority Fields CSR VisionPrincipal IssuesFiscal 2018 Targets
Corporate governance
  • A framework that is both transparent and boasts a robust management oversight function is in place
  • Opportunities for dialog with stakeholders are incorporated in the Company's decision-making process
(1) Risk management
  • Identify and prioritize anticipated risks; establish countermeasures in order of priority
  • Formulate and continuously improve Business Continuity Plan (BCP) of the head office and production sites
(2) Dialog with stakeholders
  • Effectively incorporate the results of dialog with a broad spectrum of stakeholders into the Company's decision-making process
  • The Company has secure a position of value by providing products and services that benefit society
  • The Company promotes sales partner CSR and is actively engaged in improving social value throughout the value chain
(1) Enhance the quality of management including sales agents, overseas distributors, and other sales partners
  • Ensure thoroughgoing compliance including respect for human rights through CSR initiative support activities aimed at sales partners
(2) Improve product quality
  • Reduce the volume of product quality complaints
(3) Improve the quality of after-sales services
  • Identify specific issues relating to the Company's service and improve the level of satisfaction with respect to each issue
  • Build a locally based service structure through establish of service center in Southeast Asia
  • The Company is linking efforts to promote supplier CSR to improvements in supply chain competitiveness
(1) Incorporate CSR concerns into procurement policies, rules, regulations
  • Engage in procurement activities based on procurement policies, rules, and regulations that incorporate CSR issues specific to Fuji Electric
  • Establish countermeasures with respect to suppliers that deviate from procurement policies
(2) Strengthen supplier activities
  • Clarify CSR issues with respect to suppliers including subsidiaries and engage in support activities geared toward improvement
(3) Enhance in-house functions
  • Ensure that all employees (including sales and marketing, R&D, service, and other related departments) involved in the procurement function are fully aware of the importance of CSR procurement
  • Assign officers responsible for guiding suppliers to each base
  • An awareness toward CSR including respect for human rights is well entrenched in the minds of employees
  • Employees have a strong sense of pride in working for Fuji Electric
  • Employees take the initiative in pursuing new challenges generating a genuine sense of growth
  • Employees are making the most of their potential with a deep respect for diversity
  • The Company continues to provide a healthy and safe workplace environment
(1) Foster CSR awareness
  • Promote widespread CSR awareness among employees
(2) Human rights
  • Fully disseminate the Policy for Human Rights for the Employees to all the employees
  • Establish and operate human rights structures in all the organizations
  • Conduct ongoing human rights education for all employees
(3) Workplace health and safety
  • Enhance health ans safety management in individual department; build a collaborative structure including affiliated companies
  • Foster employee interest in preventing industrial accidents and injuries, and a culture that emphasizes workplace safety
  • Implement measures to prevent major and recurring accidents, as well as traffic accidents
  • Promote and enhance the mental and physical health of each employee and realize healthy, comfortable workplace environments
(4) Ensure a pleasant workplace environment (accommodate diverse styles of work)  
  • Promote pleasant working environment for a diverse workforce
  • Raise awareness of managirial level and female employees
  • Foster the eitire organization culture that accomodates diverse styles of work
The global environment
  • The Company contributes to the protection of the global environment by reducing the environmental impact of its business activities and securing society-wide reductions in environmental impact through its products
(1) Enhance environmental governance
  • Establish and continuously improve environmental management systems
(2) Contribute to the prevention of global warming 
  • Reduce society's CO2 emissions through the supply of eco-products
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from production activities
(3) Contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society
  • Promote the 3R principle with respect to products and production activities
(4) Biodiversity conservation
  • Promote activities to protect biodiversity
Local communities
  • The Company contributes to local community growth and development by resolving social issues focusing mainly on protection of the natural environment and youth development support
(1) Build close-knit ties with local communities
  • Increase awareness toward participation in local community contribution activities
  • Conduct local community contribution activities such as natural environment protection and youth development
(2) Promote local community contribution activities linked to overseas business strategies
  • Engage in activities that help resolve the social issues of local communities in the priority areas of overseas business strategies
  • The Company fully understands and complies with the statutory and regulatory requirements as well as customs of Japan and overseas countries while engaging in behavior based on sound social judgment and common sense
(1) Ensure thorough compliance
  • Steadily implement the Fuji Electric Compliance Program established under the compliance promotion structure
  • Promote widespread awareness toward legal compliance among employees
(2) Protect intellectual property
  • Establish an intellectual asset management structure; ensure the thoroughgoing use of intellectual property rights based on global legal compliance
(3) Strengthen information security
  • Prevent incidents regarding information security
  • Implement management that minimizes damage

CSR Activity Promotion Structure

The principal issues were organized into seven priority fields, and the main responsible departments clarified for each.

In-house Penetration of CSR

Internal seminar on the SDGs led by external lecturer

In fiscal 2017, we invited experts to hold an internal seminar for the purpose of spreading awareness regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the Company. This seminar was aimed at approximately 40 individuals from divisions responsible for CSR. Through lectures and group work, participants deepened their understanding of the SDGs from the perspective of how to incorporate these goals in operations of their divisions.

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