Fiscal 2015 Targets and Performance

○ = Target achieved; △ = Partially achieved; × = No progress

Priority FieldsPrincipal IssuesFiscal 2015 TargetsMajor Results of Activities
in Fiscal 2015
Corporate governance (1) Risk management
  • Expand BCP for domestic and overseas subsidiaries
  • Disseminate and continuously improve formulated BCP
  • Formulated BCP for domestic consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries
  • Held drills simulating large-scale disasters in Kansai and overseas (China)
  • Disseminated and continuously improved formulated BCP
(2) Dialog with stakeholders Upgrade and expand communication with shareholders and investors
  • Held various briefings for institutional investors and analysts in Japan
  • Issued quartely reports for individual shareholders and held factory tours
Customers (1) Enhance the quality of management including sales agents, overseas distributors, and other sales partners Entrench CSR awareness among sales agents in Japan Conducted CSR seminar at meetings for domestic sales agents
Enhance customer satisfaction through sales reform Conducted education to strengthen ability to provide solutions and marketing quality
Enhance sales agent satisfaction

Held level-spesific training for sales agents

(2) Improve product quality Reduce the volume of product quality complaints High Reliability Activities
  • Enhanced quality of component development
  • Enhanced on-site quality of plants and systems
  • Enhanced quality of overseas sites
  • Innovated operations through Pro-7 “operational quality” activities
(3) Improve the quality of after-sales services
  • Improve the level of satisfaction with respect to repair delivery times
  • Improve the level of satisfaction with respect to the provision of proposal information
  • Shortened repair lead time
  • Carried out internet surveys of customers
Establish overseas service structure
  • Dispatched service technicians to Thailand
  • Established service center function at UPS manufacturing factory in Thailand
Suppliers (1) Incorporate CSR concerns into procurement policies, rules, regulations Continue to promote CSR in procurement activities Update “Items to be Addressed for CSR Procurement” for suppliers Principles
(2) Strengthen supplier activities Foster CSR awareness among suppliers through CSR surveys Conducted CSR survey for suppliers in Japan
(3) Enhance in-house functions Notify all appropriate parties of the details of procurement-related CSR activities Conducted CSR training for procurement
Foster and develop officers responsible for CSR promotion at each procurement base Conducted training for procurement compliance trainers
Employees (1) Foster CSR awareness Develop new CSR awareness-raising activities
  • Conducted level-specific training
  • Fostered CSR awareness among management levels in subsidiaries by feedback on CSR response survey results
  • Education via e-learning
(2) Human rights Establish a global human rights promotion structure
  • Extended the Policy for Human Rights for the Employees to all of domestic and overseas subsidiaries
  • Conducted on-site interviews regarding human rights at overseas manufacturing subsidiaries
  • Conducted human rights education
(3) Workplace health and safety Foster employee interest in preventing industrial accidents and injuries, concerned party awareness, and a culture that emphasizes workplace safety
  • Conducted health and safety training
  • Implemented activities to sustain the Health and Safety Action Guideline
Practice health and safety management in accordance with individual department and operating site rules; build a collaborative structure including affiliated companies
  • Developed autonomous policies and management, and health and safety activities, at each division and business site
  • Held the Fuji Electric Health and Safety Conference
  • Provided information and held study sessions concerning legal revisions
Implement measures to prevent major and recurring accidents, as well as traffic accidents
  • Provided focused guidance, held focused patrols
  • Strengthened accident response
  • Conducted training on preventing job-related traffic accidents
  • Conducted health and safety checks
Promote and enhance the mental and physical health of each employee and realize healthy, comfortable workplace environments Promoted chemical substance management, mental health measures, heat stroke awareness, and occupational health management
(4) Ensure a pleasant workplace environment (accommodate diverse styles of work)

(Strengthen teamwork)

Reinforce organizational management and leverage team abilities through bolstering line work
  • Strengthened human skills through level-specific training
  • Continued trying to sustain the F-PRO system

(Work-life balance)

  • Promote utilization of work-life balance support systems
  • Raised awareness and conducted activities for the work-life balance  support systems and policies by holding various seminars
  • Promoted male involvement in childcare
  • Conducted training for those returning to the workforce after childcare leave
  • Realize balanced approach to working
  • Corrected long working hours
  • Promoted taking leave


  • Maintain and improve the number of women recruited by the Company
  • Held activities for project to hire female with science and engineering backgrounds
  • Improve the ratio of female managers
  • Held role model lectures for female employees
  • Conducted training for female management candidates
  • Promote national staffs to key positions in overseas subsidiaries
  • Held global leadership training
The global environment (1) Enhance environmental governance Build EMS sites that are yet to acquire ISO 14001 certification Continuing activities for acquiring certification Principles
Increase green factory and green office evaluations Achieved gold ratings at all eight subject sites
(2) Contribute to the prevention of global warming Reduce CO2 emissions through energy-saving products Promote development and sales of energy-saving products
Achieve the targets of the Low Carbon Society Action Plan (reduction in consumption / emissions per base unit)
  • Implemented energy conservation activities
  • Promoting Smart Factory Project
(3) Contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society Expand the sales ratio of eco-products Expanded the sales ratio of eco-products by 57.6%
Maintain zero waste emissions (Japan) Ratio of waste sent to landfill 0.26%
Improve performance to achieve zero waste emissions (Overseas) Ratio of waste sent to landfill 17.29% ×
Reduce atmospheric emissions for PRTR-designated substances and VOCs Reduced PRTR-designated substances by 32.0% and VOCs by 18.3% compared to fiscal 2010
(4) Biodiversity conservation Promote activities to protect the natural environment Conducted activities to protect the natural environment
Local communities (1) Build close-knit ties with local communities Increase the number of participants in local community contribution activities from bases in Japan

Continued local community contribution activities for all employees in bases in Japan(cleanup activities and blood donations, etc.)

Expand bases for activities to protect the natural environment and promote youth development
  • Expand activities to promote youth development(science classes, factory tours, and work experience, etc.)
  • Expand activities to protect the natural environment(beach cleanup, tree planting, and cleaning mountain areas, etc.)
(2) Promote local community contribution activities linked to overseas business strategies Study feasibility of proposals selected from the call for social business ideas Conducted feasibility study of proposals selected from the call for social business ideas
Compliance (1) Ensure thorough compliance Ensure complete implementation of the compliance program

Reviewed and re-implemented Fuji Electric’s overall compliance program

Promote widespread awareness toward legal compliance through compliance training Conducted level-specific and function-specific compliance training
(2) Protect intellectual property Promote activities that help prevent the inadvertent infringement of third-party (other company) patents
  • Conducted compliance training on intellectual property
  • Strengthened activities to monitor third-party's patents
  • Conducted e-learning for overseas subsidiaries
  • Investigated overseas IP systems and status
Make efficient use of software licenses and increase management efficiency
  • Conducted Company-wide standardized training
  • Provided guidance for improvement of software license management
  • Carried out internal auditing of software license management
(3) Strengthen information security Increase awareness of the importance of information security Conducted Company-wide standardized training and audits
Increase the level of information security overseas
  • Audited overseas bases and implemented individual guidance
  • Conducted survey of personal information protection law status in the countries where overseas bases are located
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